Chapter One

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Chapter One

Welcome to Cedar Springs, Texas

Home of King John and America's Princess

Population: 1,076

I smile at the sign that greets me at my favorite local restaurant, Johnny's Happy Café. Then, I turn to look around at my surroundings. The owner's designed the cafe to like a classic fifties diner with red and black tile on the ground. Wrapped around the walls to either side of the entrance are booths with red and black upholstery. Along the bar opposite the entrance are bar stools with a jukebox to the right of the counter. A classic game system and claw game are to the left of the counter.

Johnny's Happy Café is the birthplace of America's favorite café, King John's. When North America found out Johnny's was the favorite restaurant of their favorite actress, America's Princess, they had to have one in every province. At first, my uncle was skeptical about turning his restaurant into a chain, but I think he's glad he did. I know I sure am, because it means I get a taste of home everywhere I go. Still, nothing beats the original. That's why it has its own name.

"Excuse me," says a young girl smiling at me before asking, "Aren't you Princess Chelsea James?"

"Yes, I am, sweetheart," I answer smiling back. I star in a fairy-tale action series about a rebellious girl who learns she was born a princess.

"Can I have your autograph?" the young girl asks.

"Of course, you can," I answer as I accept the journal the young girl offers me to sign.

"Y'all are so inspiring. When I read that you're from here, Elaine, I freaked out! It's so cool to know that my favorite actress grew up in the same town where I live! You're my hero and I want to be like you!"

At this moment, the girl's mom walks up and I realize I know her, "Sara-Beth," I say. "Is that you?"

"Rosebud" Sara-Beth asks with surprise. "Well, I'll be. I haven't seen you in a long time."

"Sammy, can I tell you something?"

"Yeah," Sammy exclaims. "I mean, Yes, ma'am."

I smile and tell her, "When I was your age, your mom was my hero and I wanted to be like her! She used to babysit me and I thought she was the coolest person ever!" I smile as I look from Sammy's beaming face to Sara-Beth's flattered face.

"Wow, mom, how come you never told me you knew Chelsea James before she was a Princess?" Sammy asks in complete and utter awe.

"Yeah, how come, mom," I add with a wink, curious to find out why she's never talked about me.

"To be honest, I wanted to remember you as Katie Rose as the little girl I babysat,"  Sara-Beth confesses. "Not as Elaine James, the grown actress my daughters look up to now. I may not be much older than you are, but you still make me feel old."

"Wait, your name is Katie?" Sammy asks with a very confused expression on her face.

"Yes, ma'am" I answer smiling at the sweet young girl in front of me, "My name is Katelyn Elaine Rose James."

"Wow," Sammy utters. "Momma and Daddy named my little sister Katie, too," she informs me. I look up at Sara-Beth as Sammy comes to a realization. "Wait, Momma, did you and Daddy name Katie after Elaine James?" she asks with excitement.

"Yes, we did," Sara-Beth answers smiling. "Even though she was younger than us, Katie Rose was one of my and your dad's best friends. So, we decided to honor her by naming your sister after her."

Feeling flattered by such a sweet gesture, I smile at Sara-Beth to show my appreciation. Then I look back at Sammy. "Do you want to know something else, Sammy?" I ask her. "I was at your mom and dad's wedding. I was also at the hospital when you were born. You were born a year before I moved to California five years ago."

"Wow," an awestruck Sammy breathes, realizing her mom was best friends with her favorite celebrity. "So, mom, if Elaine is twenty-one now, she moved when she was fifteen, so she's fourteen years older than I am. If I was born when you were almost nineteen, does that mean you're five years older than her?"

"Yes, it does sweetheart," Sara-Beth answers smiling.

"Cool," Sammy exclaims.

"And, guess what, Sammy," I continue.

"What," she asks with wide, excited eyes.

"You were born in the same hospital I was born in."

"Wow," she breathes in awe.

"Well," Sara-Beth says. "Sammy and I better get going. Katie and dad are waiting for us to bring them food."

I wish I could take my time at Johnny's, but I can't. I didn't come home to enjoy a meal at the original location of my favorite restaurant. I'm here because my family offered our ranch as the meeting location for contestants of The RAW this year. I have to go to the Roman Coliseum to find out which lucky twenty-somethings are being chosen to compete this year.

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