The beginning

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Rachel's POV~
Today is the day that I start school at McKinley high. I moved here to Ohio from Georgia. So i just got into school and am met with a slushee to the face. Great! This is the worst day ever. The day then gets interesting. As I go into the choir room for glee club I see Quinn, Santana and Brittany sitting there. I am wondering why they joined the club. The weird thing is Santana is looking at me with doey eyes. OMG! I think Santana likes me. 

Quinn's POV~
Santana, focus over here. We need a plan on how to bring this club down. Santana! Will you focus and help make a plan? UH! She keeps looking at that girl like she wants to be her girlfriend. I need to see what is up with her. Okay Santana, what is up with you looking at Rachel like that? Like what? like you want to be with her. Do you like her? I don't know.

Santana's POV~
UH! Why does Quinn care if I like Rachel. Holy crap I like Rachel. What am I going to do? I don't even know if she likes me back.

Rachel's POV~
So I walk into the choir room and I notice that Finn is waiting for me. We start talking and then he says that he has feelings for me. That's when I realize that I have feelings for Santana. I tell Finn and ask if we can be friends and he says yes. I'm glad that Finn understands that I like Santana.

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