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Max raised her head from her pillow, her red hair splayed to the side.

"What?" She croaked, her voice hoarse from when she had been crying the night before.

El had gone home when they had arrived back at the house.

Or so she had said.

A knock sounded outside her door. "Can I come in?"

Max closed her eyes. "What do you want, Mom?"

Her mom hesitated, and then said, "There's someone here to see you."

"Who is it?"

There was a short pause, and then a new voice sounded. "Mayfield? It's me."

Max felt a jolt shoot through her. It was Mike.

Her voice went cold. "Go away."

She heard footsteps from outside the door, and knew her mom was leaving to go to work. A few seconds later, the sound of the door opening and closing was heard, and then nothing.

But she had a strange feeling that Mike was still standing outside her door.


She was right.

"Come on, Max, please answer." He said softly, and Max said, "Why? So you can yell at me some more?"

She heard him sigh. "Can you just–"

"No!" She yelled, and it was silent for a couple more seconds before she heard the sound of a click.

Her door burst open, and Mike tumbled into the room, his hair disheveled and his eyes scanning her bedroom.

"What the hell, Wheeler!?" Max said, shooting up from her bed and glaring at him.

"Just hear me out!" He said angrily, putting up his hands, and she snapped, "No! I don't want–"

"I love you." He cut across her, his voice razor sharp, and she took a few steps backwards, the yell dying in her throat.


"I'm sorry." His voice caught. "I'm sorry for being a dick. I'm sorry for hating you. I'm sorry for fucking everything up."

He paused and met her eyes, Max hanging on his every word.

"I'm sorry for being afraid to love you." Mike said, pressing his lips together.

Max reached for his arm and he backed away from her.

"Mike." She said gently, taking another step towards him and he backed away again.

"Mike!" Max said, and he snapped, "What!?"

Max grabbed his hand before he could react and twisted her fingers around his, gripping it tightly.

Mike looked down and saw them intertwined, and he didn't pull away, instead looking up at her.

They both locked gazes, their fingers warm in each other's and Mike said, his voice cracking, "Well?"

Max sighed, gently shaking her head. "There's no 'well', dipshit."

And just like that, he had torn his hand from her's so fast she didn't have time to react, his eyes narrowing.

"Are you serious!?" Max said, and he exclaimed, "You're trying to fucking make fun of me!"

Her eyes widened. "What?"

"Yeah!" Mike said, his chest heaving. "You're trying to make this into a joke or some shit and–"

"Mike, no!" Max said, but he backed away from her, his once vulnerable expression now hardened into a guarded and cautious mask, his walls put back up with a bang.

"Please don't shut me out again, Mike!" Max pleaded with him. "Just listen to me!"

"Listen to you about what?" He asked, swallowing. "About how you think this is hilarious, like you always do?"

"No!" Max said, shaking her head furiously.

Hot tears were pricking at her eyes, and he said, "Well, you know what? That was a joke. This whole thing was a joke, and you fell for it."

She stared at him, disbelieving. "Mike. Please."

"What? You're mad that I'm joking with you?" He sneered, and she saw his eyes were shining, and Max realized he was fucking crying.

"Mike!" She said again, pressing a hand to her mouth and reaching towards him again.

He shoved her hands away, his eyes narrowing. "Just– stay the hell away from me!"

His voice broke on the last word, and then he had backed out the door, turned on his heel, and bolted back towards her front door.

"No– no– Mike!" Max shouted, and followed on his heels, almost reaching him and then she tripped at  the end of her staircase, sprawling onto the floor and feeling her ankle twist, pain shooting up her leg.

She made herself get to her feet, wincing as she threw open the front door, and looked outside, seeing him just as he started to pedal furiously away from her.

"Mike!" She screamed again, but he didn't turn around, and she watched helplessly as his bike got farther and farther away from her.

Hot tears began to trickle down her cheeks as she sank down onto the front porch, putting her head in her hands.

She had come so close.

"I almost had you, Wheeler!" She choked out, her breath coming in gasps. "Shit, I almost had you!"


Her head shot up, and she felt her blood go ice cold.

Billy was standing there, his eyes blazing, and Max tried to stand, her leg wobbling precariously, and he grabbed her by the arm.

Max let out a cry, and he said, "What the hell did I tell you?"

She couldn't answer, and Billy shook her. "What did I tell you about hanging around with Wheeler, you stupid piece of shit!?"

"I–" Max tried to answer, her voice shaking so badly she could barely speak. "I–"

Billy glared at her, disgusted, and then with one swift movement had shoved her into the house.

The force of the shove sent Max sliding on the floor of the house, fire shooting up her leg as Billy slammed the door behind himself and bent over her, his whole face contorted in rage.

Her lower lip trembled, and Max braced herself for what was to come, wishing that someone, anyone, could read her mind and get the fuck to her house.

And somewhere, somehow, Mike Wheeler felt a twinge of anxiousness in the pit of his stomach.

His eyebrows scrunched together as he swiped at his face, tear tracks staining the backs of his hand and he skidded to a stop, breathing hard.

He had to go back. He didn't know why, but he felt he needed to go back there.

Hardening his jaw, Mike yanked his bike around, back in the direction of her house, and began to pedal.

shit shit shit this was a LOT of drama!!! next chapter maybe coming today? stay tuned, vote and comment!!

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