Chapter 1: The First Day

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Ava's alarm clock went as the morning sun rose on the horizon. Ava's dad was just downstairs making breakfast as Ava got out of bed. She got dressed and went downstairs continuing to contain her lavender scent from the night before.

¨Hi dad¨, she said as she went down the stairs. ¨Good morning sweetie¨ her father said as she entered the kitchen.

Ava walked around the counter and sat down. She glimpsed at the clock and noticed it was 7:28 am. She frantically grabbed her breakfast and rushed out the door. Ava ran down the driveway to get into the car she earned after her driving test last week. Ava had emerald green eyes that sparkled every time she entered sunlight. She isn't your stereotypical vampire and is always in sunlight. She got in the white Honda Civic and started the engine. She quickly pulled out the driveway and set off for school. It was a smooth ride to school. She heard the birds chirping in the sky since the bright sun was up on the lovely September morning. As Ava arrived at school and got out of the car, she let her dark hair hang over her face. On this day she decided to wear a black t-shirt and ripped jeans but, everyone still seemed to stare as if she was an outsider. Her best friend, Nicole, excitedly ran up to her due to their lack of communication during the summer.

¨Omgggg, heyyy¨,Nicole exclaimed. I replied with a simple "hey". We walked to the attendance office to get our schedule. Of course, we had most of the same classes. We were walking down the hall when I saw a figure. A very gorgeous figure in the corner of my eye. He walked down the hallways like an angel from above. I quickly turned my head before the beautiful figure noticed me.

As I was walking into Language Arts I spotted the boy, the figure, across the room. I quietly took my seat as the first bell rung to begin school. Because it was the first day of school, attendance was mandatory. "Jacob Black", the teacher called out. He replied with a simple "here". Soon afterwards I heard "Adam Wolfhart" and the gorgeous boy from before replied with "Mom you know i'm here". As I suspected, Adam was Mrs.Wolfhart's son.

I've heard that his father was a lawyer for the Supreme Court. Mrs.Wolfhart played a 45 minute film for the whole english class. I was on my phone, slickly hiding it under the desk. Just then, I got a message notifications; it stated " hey¨, from Nicole.

I replied with a simple ¨hey¨ even though she was just across the classroom.

I looked over at her and we both let out a little giggle. We were ending the movie when we were interrupted by the bell. I gathered my things, ready to go to second period, when someone suddenly stopped me in my tracks. I turned around to see the new boy, Adam, with his hand on my shoulder. ¨Hi, im Adam¨ he stuttered. I replied with a simple greeting and my name. ¨Hello Adam, im Ava¨. ¨What's your next period,?¨ he said while walking beside me.

I replied with ¨Math¨. Because we didn't have the same second period, we had to go our separate ways. We both agreed to meet in front of the cafeteria after period two, so we can then go to lunch together and find out a little more about each other. Math wasn't far from Mrs.Wolfhart's class so the walk didn't take as long as my other classes might. I walked in and took a seat near the back of the class. The bell rung for class to begin and time flew in the blank of an eye. As I turned the corner to go to lunch after math, I found Adam waiting on the other side.

¨That was a surprise¨ I stated. ¨How'd you get here as soon as I got out of class though?¨ He didn't reply he just looked at me,smirked, and we set off for lunch. in the cafeteria, it was really crowded because juniors and seniors had combined lunches. Me and Adam got into the juniors lunch line, near the cafeteria door. The line could've been longer but Adam said he had his ¨connections¨. We quickly found a table, and sat down.

¨Are you from Yellow Springs?¨ he questioned.

I replied with a quick ¨yes¨. ¨Are you ?¨ He started explaining how he was born and raised in Yellow Springs just like I was. He also stated that he knew my father, Mr.Stanley.

"Me, my father, and your father would always go on fishing trips when you were with your mother¨ he explained.

¨We would also go camping on the weekends, he was like another father to me but we kinda fell off due to lack of communication after you moved back with your mother.¨ he said just thinking about the past.

¨Adam?¨ I said puzzled. ¨Adam from 10 years ago!??¨. He added a simple nod after the statement. Wow, this gorgeous boy i'm talking to was my best friend 10 years ago and I just forgot all about him until today.

This boy, I told all my secrets too, the one that met my parents, the one I played with til' sundown was sitting right next to me and I didn't even notice him until now.

¨Would you like to come over tonight, for dinner?¨ I simply asked. ¨ill definitely be there, especially for you Ava¨.

The third period bell rung and we both became late since we had to go to science together in Mr.Williams class. We swiftly walked through the hallways making our way to science. We entered the classroom and not everyone was there so I knew I wasn't late quite yet. The bell we heard must've been the bell to actually get to class. We let out a laugh after we noticed our unclever mistake. We patiently waited for class to start so we could get through the day. Me and Adam sat next to each other and had a quite conversation until the late bell rung for class to begin. Mr.Williams introduced himself and started the daily routine of attendance and checking emails. ¨ Good afternoon class, today we'll just take a 50 question pre-test to test your knowledge on the material I will be teaching in this classroom¨ he let the words slip out of his mouth as if it were nothing. ¨it will not be graded it's just to see what you guys know¨. Adam looked over with a smirk and whispered, ¨You can copy off of my paper¨. I snobbishly stated ¨No i'm okay i'll do my own work¨, but by the middle of the test I found myself looking off of his paper sneakily, hoping he doesn't notice. I completed the test soon after he did so Mr.Williams didn't think one of us were cheating. I sat at my desk just waiting for the 12:20 bell to rang, when I saw it. Because I am a vampire I have a special talent and i'm able to see into the future. I tried to tell my father about it but he continues to persuade me it's ¨Deja Vu¨ . Adam sat with his hands crossed taking a glimpse at everyone in the classroom and scanning his surroundings. 20 more minutes flew by and the 12:20 bell rung. At this point, we had to then go our separate ways but we both decided to meet in the library for our free periods. I slowly walked to social studies, not in any rush to get to the class. i've always disliked that subject the most out of them all, I could never understand it. I entered the classroom to bring this extremely boring day to an end and quietly took a seat. I daydreamed the entire class period, about Adam and his gorgeous eyes, the way he talks, the way he walks, just everything.But, he might still look at me as a friend. in class the teacher, Mrs. Sheppard, taught about ancient civilizations in Egypt. Before I knew it I was exiting Social Studies to go home after a long day. I walked down the long hall towards the school's front doors, since i'm not a bus rider. As usual, the same groups were hanging out at the front of the school when I got there. The jocks were joking around with each other, the popular's were talking about people, and the nerds were doing their homework before they got home. As I was walking to my car, I felt as if someone were following me. I swiftly turned around and saw Adam. ¨Don't ever scare me like that again,¨ I joked. He laughed, and we continued to walk to my car. ¨Why aren't you riding in your fancy Camero today sir,¨ I questioned. ¨My brother dropped me off today,¨ he replied. He was a gentleman and opened the door on the other side for me. We both got into the car, I started the engine, and exited the school. The ride home was very smooth. We both asked questions about each other and how we got split up after all these years. ¨Ava can I tell you something?¨ he questioned. ¨Sure,¨ I said in a puzzled manner. ¨Well,¨ he continued. "I'm madly in love with you and you might not feel the same but I just could never get you out my mind, and after you moved with your mom when you were twelve I just couldn't stop worrying about you or what you could be doing,¨ Adam confessed. I had no words. The only thing I could cough up was ¨I've always felt the same¨.  


HEY GUISEEEEEEEE. Thanks for completing the first chapter! I promise the story will get more interesting from here and uhhh yea stay tuned!

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