Chapter 1: Pillow and Blanket Fort

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Maya's POV

"HAVANA, OOH NA-NA!!!" I sang at the top of my lungs.

"YO SHUT UP!!!" Burger King yelled.

"PLEASE!" Dominic said right after. Isabella put her hand on my shoulder.

"I LOVE THAT SONG!!! HALF OF MY HEART IS IN HAVANA OOH NA-NA!!!" She yelled slash sang loudly.

We smirked at each other, "HE TOOK ME BACK TO EAST ATLANTA, NA NA NA!!!!!"

Burger King and Dominic came into the room with annoyed looks on there faces.

Isabella gasped and tackled Burger King to the ground. "You and Dom-Dom have so much in common!!!!"

"Ughhhh...." he grumbled from the ground.

I caught her drift and shook Dominic's shoulders, "OH YEAH YOU DOOOOO!!!!"

"Li-like Wha-a-a-at???" Dominic said as I shook him.

"Like.... uh... I forgot." I said sheepishly.

"So forgetful Maya! They..... flubbernuggets.... I forgot too.... heheh"

Oh well. Burger King got up from the ground and turned to Dominic. "Why did we have to get the crazy annoying ones?"

Dominic nodded his head, "they're crazy."

Isabella and I locked arms, "DAMN RIGHT WE'RE CRAZY, YOU JELLY PEGASUS!!!"

"What's been happening?" Blake said walking into the room with Liam in tow.

"Where have you two been?" Dominic asked.

"Liam wanted to know how to make spaghetti, I let him try cooking it but now I need a new pot. Imma go to the store. See ya." Blake said sighing.

"I said I'm sorry!!! Let me come with you!" Liam shouted reaching his arm out dramatically to Blake.

He sighed again, "Fine, just don't burn anything else. I swear you were barely BOILING the noodles...."

Liam scratched his head, "Sorry, I get distracted easily, oh look a butterfly!" He said looking at the butterfly that suddenly came into the house.

"I'm leaving." Blake said walking out the door.

"Wait!!!" Liam said running after him.

"MEH NO LIKE DEH SILENCE!!!!!" Isabella and I yelled it the same time.

We turned at looked at each other, "WE WERE MEANT FOR EACH OTHER!!!" I yelled.

"YOUR LIKE MY OTHER HALF!!!!" She yelled back.


"Oh I thought they meant in another way." Dominic sighed in relief.

Burger King smacked the back of his head, "Dirty minded weirdo... But dude I was thinking the same!"

Isabella went up to him and slapped him across the face, I did the same to Dominic.

"OW! That hurt...." They pouted. We rolled her eyes.

"Dirty nincompoops who love Pegasus. I hate you!" I glared. Dominic pouted, "You Do????"

I smacked him on the head, "I FORBID YOU FROM MAKING PUPPY DOG EYES!!!"

CRAZY TOGETHER!!!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin