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As a kid, I always dreamed of revolution. I always wanted to tear down everything I knew, and build something better. I thought that, if my will were strong enough, I could succeed. My dreams never seemed to be taking me anywhere at all, though. At least, not until last summer, when, it seems, my whole world, and my whole nation turned upside down, all at once.

Before it happened, I was taking a summer vacation up north with my family. I begrudgingly joined them despite the fact that, frankly, I would have much rather stayed home. However, in the end, I'm sorta glad I went, because that seemingly uninteresting venture got me mixed up in a whole lot, both good and bad.

My first mixup happened during a seemingly ordinary shopping trip with my family to some store. The location doesn't really matter, anyway. What does matter is who I met there.

I first saw him as I was walking through the aisles. I locked eyes with him- this strange, ghoulish, hardly human figure, and quickly looked away out of fear. I naturally thought that would be the end of it until he later approached me when I was separated from my family briefly. Words fail to describe the fear I felt as he loomed over me. He had extremely long, straight black hair. His body was all kinds of deformed and scrawny. He was a disheveled wreck of a person, if you could even call him a person. I wanted to ask what the hell he was, and what he was doing, but frankly, I was too terrified. Then, he spoke.

The creature uttered "I am Lucas Nathaniel Trower. LMAO," in this raspy voice that sounded a lot like a stereotypical flamboyant gay man who's also a chain smoker. That's really the only possible way to capture his... unique sound.

"I-I'm Carolyn," I replied, quaking in my boots, and I mustered up the courage to ask "Why are you talking to me?"

"You want to change the world. I can sense it." Now at this point, I was praying a police officer would bust in and come arrest this guy on drug charges so I didn't have to talk to him anymore. He was creepy enough without being able to sense my innermost desires. He then continued, "I want to change the world too. I want to get rid of our leaders and rebuild this republic, with something moral and pure. You seem like you want the same thing, so I'm asking you to join me. This is your chance, Carolyn, your chance to realize your greatest dream." and despite the sheer terror he struck me with, and despite all my best instincts telling me not to trust him and to run and call the police and pray I never saw him again, I agreed to his ridiculous promise of revolution.

"I'll d-do it, Lucas"
"Good. We'll be in touch"
Then, just like that, he had vanished. I'm still not sure what I witnessed that day, and tried to continue shopping as though nothing had happened. Then, as I finished my shopping and headed back to the hotel, he was in touch as promised. How he got my contact information was absolutely beyond me at the time, but he did nevertheless.

"Hey LMAO" he texted, with a series of laughing-while-crying emojis.
"what's up?"
"I'll be sending for you to come join the revolution tomorrow. Be ready LMAO"
"what do you mean??"
"Upper Councilman Rian is going to summon you to me on my behalf. His status means your parents won't interfere, don't worry."
He had an Upper Councilman on his side. Suddenly his revolution seemed a whole lot more plausible to me. His connections also explain how he managed to get my contact information, and maybe even how he knew about my revolutionary ideas. He suddenly seemed more human, but I was still scared. I also thought he could be making all this up, but I really wanted my chance to be in the spotlight of history, so I decided to chance it all and assume he was an honest person.
"ok?? ill pack a bag i guess? this seems like it'll cause a stir tho"
"Don't worry LMAO. Your family will surely be proud in the end if this works."
"see you tomorrow then i suppose"

Sure enough, Upper Councilman Rian summoned me to a top secret location the very next day. I said my goodbyes to my family and prepared myself for the great unknown that awaited me as I boarded the councilman's helicopter bound for god-knows-where. As silly as it sounds, all I could think of as I flew over the stunningly beautiful, and from this height, tiny landscape was "I am so damn happy to get out of that crummy family vacation."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2017 ⏰

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