Family day gone wrong

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Aubree P.O.V

I was in goodness with Mal Evie Jay and Carlos i was drawing as usual

"Children excuse me " Fairy godmother said i looked up at her

"Um as you may know uh this sunday is family day here at Auradon prep and because your parents can't be here due to uh distance we've arranged for a special treat" Fairy godmother i looked at Mal confused and she looked at me we saw mom Jafar E.Q and Curella

"I don't see anything nor do i hear " Mom said i rolled my eyes

"Kids!" Fairy godmother said happily

"Press enter" Jafar said

"Can i please see a remote? Is this thing on? It's broken ugh i hate electronic equip....oh!" Mom said as they saw us

"Evie it's mommy oh look how beautiful oh you know what the say the poison apple doesn't fall far from the tree " E.Q said happily as Evie was embarrassed i smiled at my best friend

"Don't you mean the weeds?" mom asked

"Ooh who's the old bat?" Curella asked as i looked at them

"This is Fairy godmother" i said smiling

"Still doing tricks with eggplants ?" Mom asked while smirking

"I turned a pumpkin into a beatiful carriag" Fairy godmother said

"You really couldn't give Cinderella till one a.m? I mean really what the hamsters had to be back on their little wheels?" mom asked while laughing

"They were mice they were not..they were mice they were not" Fairy godmother said me and Mal nodded

"Thank you so much thank you" Mal said as Fairy godmother went up to the webcam

"They were mice!" Fairy godmother said as she left

"Hi mom" me and Mal said smiling a bit

"Mal Aubree i m-m-miss you" Mom said us or the wand

"You childern are never far from are thoughts " Jafar said i rolled my eyes yeah right

"We got it " Mal said looking at them

"How long must mommy wait to see ?" mom asked

"Um there's a big coronation coming up i think sometime probably after that" i said as mom looked at me

"When?" mom asked

"Friday 10 A.M" Mal said putting a hand on my shoulder

"You sure i can't see you two before that? I don't know what I'll do if i don't get my hands on that magic wan---" Mom said as E.Q hit her on the head

"You little nuggets that i love so much" Mom said totally lying

"Yes we completely understand mother" i said looking down a bit

"Carlos is that a dog? Oh yes yes baby i do understand it would make the perfect size for earmuffs" Curella said as Carlos gave me Dude i held him Dude licked my cheek i laughed a little okay i love this dog

"He's the perfect size for a pet!" Carlos said yelling at his mother

"Oh!" Curella said annoyed

"This dog loves me and i love him and fyi your dog is stuff" Carlos said way to go Carlos

"Oh" Curella said glaring a bit

"So give it a rest!" Carlos yelled as he grabbed Dude from me

"Oh-ho burn" Jafar said clearly loving the fight

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