Scene One: Beginning

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Once upon a time, there was a fantastical kingdom known to those who lived there as Faerun. It was ruled by a selfish king, who went by King John. All of his citizens called him The Hunger, as he ruled with an iron fist and devoured anything or anyone who opposed him. He feared the day that his step-son, Prince Magnus, would marry and take his throne. So he did everything in his power to keep Magnus away from the most powerful thing in the world: True loves kiss.

Yet in another part of the kingdom lived an elf. He went by the name of Taako, and he wanted nothing more than to marry his prince and share true loves kiss with him. So of course when he dreamed of dancing with a handsome, muscular man, he fell in love instantly. Currently, Taako was building a statue of his true love, with the help of some friends.

"Oh Roswell, you should've seen it!" Taako was delicately adjusting the acorns that represented his true love's eyes. "We were dancing, holding hands, he was so strong!"

A chipper red bird landed on the shoulder of the statue. "I'm sure it was lovely, Taako!" The bird chirped, in a surprisingly southern accent.

"Alright m'dudes!" Taako swept his leg across the floor, scooching an array of animals away from the statue. "I introduce to you, my one true love!"

Taako gestured dramatically at the statue, before gasping in horror. "Hey! What's wrong?" Roswell flew next to Taako's head.

"He doesn't have any lips! This is a disaster!" Taako placed a hand over his forehead before falling onto a conveniently placed couch.

Roswell landed on the arm of the couch, tilting his head curiously. "Does he need lips?"

Taako sprung up dramatically! "Of course he needs lips! When you meet someone that's meant to be, you need to do something to show them you love them!"

Two rabbits from the back hopped towards Taako. "Do you pull each other's tails?"

"Elves don't have tails."

"Do you feed each other seeds?" Roswell chirped.

"We don't eat seeds like birds do, bubula." Taako stood up from the couch, wrapping his arms around the statue.

"True loves kiss," Taako sighed, tracing where the lips would be with his fingertips. "It's what we all need before we can have a happily ever after."

In a burst of motion, causing his pale pink dress to flurry, Taako spun towards the animals. "Alright m'dudes, it's time to find a pair of lips! Head out into those woods and get me a pair of kissers!"

All the animals simultaneously nodded, before jumping out the window of Taako's treehouse. They all gathered all the supplies they could, ranging from a twig to a caterpillar. The twig would've worked, had Taako not accidentally stepped on it. The caterpillar just didn't want to cooperate. Taako sighed in defeat, before falling onto a different conveniently placed couch. "I'm never going to find true loves kiss!"

"That's not true, Taako!" Roswell floated down onto Taako's forehead. "I'm sure you'll find it soon enough!"


Meanwhile, deep in the forest, Prince Magnus was hunting ogres, accompanied by the King's assistant, Merle Highchurch. Magnus was currently standing atop an ogre's back, it's legs wrapped in rope. "Watch out below!" Magnus shouted, before tugging at the rope.

Consequently, the ogre fell face first onto the ground. While Magnus was wiping his hands of dirt, Merle ran up to him, writing something in his notebook. "Amazing! That's the fifth ogre this month! Oh, don't you just love hunting ogres? Big ogres, small ogres, ogres ogres ogres!"

I've Been Dreaming of a True Love's Kiss - TaakitzWhere stories live. Discover now