Chapter 10- The Truth

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I turned back around with the knife and the wood in my hands "So Jay you really wanted to meet me huh" "yeah" "well after this you defiantly are going to be regretting your decision" "w-w-w-why do you say t-that" I walked behind him I shaved a few pieces off the piece of wood. Then I said "well you have heard of me so you should know what I am capable of right?" "Yeah but you wouldn't do that to me right?" "Well you threatened a great friend of mine and put her father was at risk" "y-y-y-your best friends with the Princess" "well since you are never going to get out of here you wanna play a game" "uhhh yeah why not" "well you see the I'm not you I say I am" "what that makes no sense" "well I give you another hint she is someone important" "what the fuck are you saying it makes no fucking sense" I walked in front of him I dragged the blade along his chest he screamed out in pain "Ahhhhhhhhhh what the fuck are you doing!!!!" I stabbed it in the middle of his chest and twisted it so that it made a hole I pulled out the knife I grabbed the shavings and put them inside the hole and pushed them down. "Ahhh you slut" "Now, jay you can figure out my riddle then and only then will I pull those shavings out okay. And every time that I come back and you don't have the answer I will make new holes and do the same" I pulled the bag back over his head and I said "Okay Sir, we will come back later and deal with them. We have the other matter to attend to okay?" "Okay" I turned off the lights and walked back out with Mason following close by. Once the door closed I said "okay lets go deal with those things down stairs" "okay oh and by the way babe that was Hot" "Mason stop making me blush" "never"

We walked back to the throne room hand in hand my guards pushed the doors open and to my surprise my father was still sitting in his chair with Vanessa by his side and let me be the one to say she looked fucking pissed. As soon as Mason and I walked through the doors she stood up and walked towards us and said "HOW FUCKING DARE YOU, YOU LITTLE FUCKING BITCH" she grabbed hold of my collar and tried to pull me forward but she was unsuccessful "Guards grab this women and make sure she stays in her seat" "what are you going to do about it if I move!!" "well Vanessa if you must know I will take you up to my room and lock you in the RED ROOM OF PAIN" "what the fuck" "don't test me I am not in the best of moods so walk that annoying ass of your back to your seat and let me do MY BUISNESS" "they are my sons" "and they attacked the Vampire Princess, and the Alpha King who happens to be my mate. And let me tell you the Vampires won't like that I was in harm's way and neither would werewolves, well let's just say that if word gets out they will be out for your blood and maybe your HEAD on spikes" "I am your mother and your queen so treat me will respect young lady" "you have no authority over me" Mason then pipes up and says "and she doesn't have a mother except for mine so leave her the fuck alone and don't expect her to call you mom UNDERSTAND" "don't talk to me like that pup" "I am not a pup you slut I AM THE ALPHA KING AND YOU WILL ADDRESS ME AND MY MATE WITH RESPECT YOU USELESS SLUT THAT HAS NOT FUCKING RESPECT FOR HER KING AND QUEEN LET ALONE ALPHA AND LUNA" I grabbed Mason's hand and pulled him to the table that is full of weapons I then whispered to him "Babe wait here while I deal with this... oh and thanks for sticking up for me" I kiss his cheek and walked back towards Vanessa. She was standing in front of her sons my dad then yelled and said "Van, move please I don't want you getting hurt please" "no she will not hurt our sons" "Van please you are only making her more angry. She will calm down soon I promise and then we can all go out for dinner and everything will be explained" "I SAID NO!!!" I rolled my eyes and said "you have to the count of three to get the fuck out of my way before I tear you limb for limb"




I grabbed her by the collar and she screamed I threw her against the pillars and said "move next time" mason just laughed and my dad said while attempting to walk towards me "Abigail you don't have to do this" I nodded towards my guards and they grabbed him he then said "PUT ME DOWN I AM THE KING" I laughed at him and said "STAY WHERE YOU ARE DAD OR YOU WILL REGRET IT UNDERSTAND... OH AND DAD DON'T YOU EVEN THINK FOR ONE SECOND THAT YOU HAVE CONTROL OVER MY GUARDS BECAUSE THEY WORK FOR ME AND ME ONLY." I walked up to the boys and ripped the bags off their heads and slapped them awake and said "Oi, wake the fuck up before I kill your mother" they still didn't reply so, so I walked over towards one the tables and grabbed the silver whip it was small. Vanessa then screamed out "what are you going to do to my babies" "well, I am trying to wake them up from their nap mummy dearest" "what is wrong with you, you are so fucking sick" mason then turned to her and said "well Vanessa I am sorry to tell you this but she is no longer in control and neither is their wolf" " is she like this" "well her father did this to her its not my story to tell so please don't hate hurt for this because she has no control her and her wolf have been pushed back so far. So please I beg of you don't hate her" "will she remember any of this at all" "yes after this has all happened she will go for a nap because she is so exhausted and in her sleep when her and her wolf are coming back she will she what she has done and she will feel so bad" "how do you know all of this... you are talking like you know from personal experi-OMG has she ever hurt you" "no but she was mad at me and we were fighting and her best friend/ sister stepped in between us and when Abbie was pulled her hand back to strike me and Octavia stood there and pushed me backwards and took the hit. The next day Abbie wasn't herself she hated herself so much that she had hit her and could have killed me" "and yet here you are still with her" "yes I love her and we are mates so why would I leave her because it was her wolf in control not her. I might be a heartless king to you all be she sees me for me and I would never leave her unless she wanted me to. I know this might sound cheesy and lame but she is the air that I breath she gives me hope and she is the light that is waiting for me at end of my very dark tunnel" "wow that is so romantic"

I then said "now after that heart to heart moment let's get back to business, why are you boys here. Are you here to steal my throne? I bet you are" Landon then wakes up and said "what no we are here because dad wants us to be a family I swear on your mate's life" "mmmm fine let them up, but if you ever lay a hand on anyone that I care about you will regret it understand" "yes" "Octavia can you come in here" "who is Octavia?" "well she is our sister and MY best friend" Octavia walks in and says "yeah Sis what's up?" "meet our brothers" "oh fuck, I um shit grrr" she growled when Landon grabbed hold of my wrist and when I tried to pull away from him he tightened it. Mason growled the loudest and then stood up and pulled his hand off my wrist, when he saw that it had stared to bruise he snapped and said "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT,BABE WE ARE TAKING HIM TO THE RED ROOM OF PAIN TO TORTURE THE FUCKING SHIT OUT OF THEM" "Mase baby no..." "WHAT DO YOU MEAN NO!!!!" Octavia came over to me she whispered "pretend you need him to look after you it will take his mind off of it" I nodded my head and said "Mase can you help me I am tired and my wrist hurts can you please help me I think that I am going to faint" and I wasn't lying about fainting because two seconds later my eyes rolled into the back of my head and I was consumed by the darkness.

I woke up, and I remembered everything it was horrific what I did. I can't believe I hurt my mother and my brothers. OMG I threatened my dad no. no this cant be happening, it has to be the leader part of my wanted to take over control. Yes I will blame it on that because there is nothing else that I can think of that could make me do something like that besides. Anger.

I open my eyes to the sunshing in on me. Argh I hate it when they leave me curtians open. I sit up and swing my legs over the edge of the bed, I look at the alarm clock and it is 7 am. I listen with my wolf hearing. Yes nobody is up I need to release some stress I need a workout. I get up chuck on my black nike shorts and black nike singlet and black nike sneakers. I put my hair into a ponytail and ran down the stairs to the training grounds. I made myself do 100 sit ups, 130 crunches and 75 laps around the oval. After all of that it was 11 am and everyone was up now so I decided to get our leader of the pack warriors, his name was Jack and he was a good fighter and was always a challenge.

"yo Jack come out here I wanna challenge" "oh my god woman I am busy" "sure you are, fat lazy ass wolf, I cant believe that I made you the pack warrior" "argh you are such bitch sometimes." "I know" "ready little bitch" I said while laughing "bring it on princess" we got into our fighting postions. I waited for him to make the first move, but before he could Mason let out a deep growl that shook the ground he then yelled "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING YOUR GOING TO HURT YOUR FUTURE LUNA QUEEN" I looked at him I coughed and his snapped at me I rolled my eyes and said "fuck me Mason get over yourself I am the boss of my self and I can fight who ever I want. I am not a fragile nor am I made out of glass so back the fuck off and let me fight" "No, if you want to fight you practice with me understood" "Mason I am not one of your little bitches you don't own or control me I am my own person" "I do own you I am your mate and you will do as I have fucking told you" 'mason this is me I have to fight others of different ranks so I know how to fight others, like fuck this is me I am a fighter and a killer so get over it and give me some fucking space to wrap me head around some shit" I spun on my heel and walked away from him. He just watched me as I walked away from him.

I'M THE ALPHAHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin