Chapter One

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Chapter one:

Whether it was dealing with break ups, the latest celebrity gossip, dealing with school and going to parties, Montana has been through it all with me.

It all happened in grade ten, I met Montana. I was new to the Toronto District High School and knew no one on there. I came from a smaller community in Northern Ontario called Sturgeon Falls near Sudbury Ontario. My mother was offered a job in Toronto as a celebrity wedding planner so we had to move. Anyways on my first day of school Montana offered to show me around, she was one of the popular girls but wasn't one of the snobby stuck up ones. She was the junior girls volleyball team captain, she didn't have a boyfriend at the time because she would rather focus on school or volunteer work than have a boyfriend who would "tie her down" from doing the things she loves.  Montana was a perfect friend and hopefully she would be my best friend.

"Good morning class, we have a new student her name is Autumn, she's from Northern Ontario.  Who would like to volunteer to show her around." My new English teach Ms. Gregory announces.

I watch nervously as a few hands shoot up


"Thank you Ms.Gregory." She says ever so politely. "Hello my name is Montana, nice to meet you Autumn, you're going to love it here at Toronto District High School."

"Hello Montana." I replied shyly.

"No need to be shy around me Autumn, I'm a friendly person and there are a lot of other friendly people here but I'm not going to lie to you by saying everyone here is nice because in reality we're in high school."

After she that I knew that we were going to be good friends. Whenever you start high school or a new school everyone tells you things will be different in a good way.

"Thanks Montana." I say

"Shall we continue our tour?" She says and smiles.

"We shall." I said and followed her

After a while we finished the tour around the school, it was much bigger than my previous one. She helped me get settled into a locker and we went back to English.

"Thank you Montana."

"It was my pleasure, I enjoy helping new students."

After an pretty easy morning of English and Marketing I went off to lunch with Montana and some of her friends. We sat in the cafeteria since it was raining outside, lovely weather for December. I wish I moved closer to the beginning of the year. When we got to the table I couldn't help notice a cute boy there, he had black hair with red in it and was wearing a fall out boy band shirt and black skinny jeans, my type of guy. There were only two spots left, one beside him and and across from him on the end.

"Go sit beside him." Montana whispered to me "You'll like him."

I go over and sit beside him. I can feel myself start to get really nervous.

"Hello." He says "My name is Michael. Nice to meet you."

"Hello Michael, my name is Autumn." I was mostly confident but was a bit shy.

"Nice to meet you Autumn, where are you from?" He says and smiles.

What a perfect smile I thought to myself.

"I'm from up north in Sudbury."

"It's probably a lot different than from here, I'm on an exchange program from Australia."

"I've always wanted to go to Australia, it looks like a beautiful place."

"It is pretty lovely there."

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