Hell No #1

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This is my first story so be kind.

Can't believe I fell for the same bullshit all over again.
I couldn't help but sigh at how weak and predictable I was. After all the resolutions and pep talks I gave myself. I even stood in front of the mirror this morning before leaving to my bestie's crib and told myself
'don't be stupid Gretchen if he's into you he would have said something by now and besides he's a deadbeat if he still rooms with Sheila'
Seems to me that yes I am stupid, and the he in this equation is my best friend's brother Drake.
Drake is the definition of cute, in fact I had a crush on him since the first day I saw him.  Brown curly hair much like his sister's and hazel eyes that only show the flecks of green in them when he wears bright colours or when he is cumming. His body just as great as his face, lean and long about 5ft 11.
He was nice when we first met in the I know am cute kind of way but I didn't mind the obvious bigheadedness (I don't care if that's not a word) I still fancied him.
Now don't get me wrong I am chubby yes, but my fat is in all the right places  meaning my chest and Ass. I don't have body issues but you know that though that creeps in once in a while telling you you're not pretty.  Okay I admit I totally have body issues and I guess that's why I don't mind jerks in general.
I won drake over with my nutty personality and we started to hang then one day we were Netflix and chilling but as friends until we started making out and one thing led to another and he took my cherry. It wasn't great because he had a small ding a ling and I vowed never to go there again but each time he is around I seem to let him convince me to indulge in more horrible sex and my bestie has no clue my V card is long gone. 
So here I am once again berating myself for being such a hoe bag but this time my resolution is for real
'no more bad sex with drake'
So let me introduce myself properly I'm Gretchen Wilson I am 21 and I am a chef, I do outdoor catering events and contract gigs so I am self employed and money is no issue with me. I have had the same best friend for five years and her name is Sheila Myers, the ying to my yang, the peanut butter to my chocolate. we met in college and have been besties since but she doesn't know that after 20 years of abstaining I had sex six months ago with her brother, in her house, on her sofa.  Totally screwed up and kept screwing up till last night but today is a new day and a fresh start, no more fuck ups get your shit together'
I had a gig today to cater for 200 people, I have my assistants Pete and Julia coming in for meal prep before we leave to the venue and I'm putting my chef face on. I don't mingle work with play so I clean up, do my business in the restroom and get ready for the day.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2017 ⏰

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