All at once everyone stops talking. People step back forming an asile that leads right to me. Walking right up to me is someone who I can bet is the captain. He's got a huge long red coat with a matching hat with a giant feather sticking out of it. Not to mention he's got the weirdest facial hair thing going. His mustache literally curls up and the ends. He walks up towards me with the creepiest grin on his face and is staring right at me. I look down to avoid his eyes and my heart stops. right where his left hand should be is a big silver hook. No way... what the hell?!

     "Ahoy me hearties! It seems we have a guest." He laughs. He looks at the guys hoding me and shakes his head when he sees the gun at my head. "Zeke, is that how we welcome guests?" Zeke quickly removes the gun and mutters "Aye, me apologies Cap'n Hook."

     "There! Now that's better. Well lassie, I'm Captain James Hook at your service." and he bows. He actually bowed. What the... wait! Did he just say Hook?

     Hooks grabs my chin and tilts my head side to side. "Aye, what a pretty one. What be ye name las?" I may not know much about this place but I'm smart enough to realize I'm in deep shit right now. I can't give him my real name... Think Addie think!

    " My name is Mary, sir." I lie. I hope that he can't see the fear in my eyes and figure out I'm lying.

     "Well Mary, welcome aboard the Jolly Rodger!" Then he turns to the crowd. "Lads! Here be Mary! Our newest addition to the crew!" Everyone cheers and starts to hoot. Some give me looks that scream "hey i'm a total creeper we're gonna have fun". I shiver. Wait. Crew? I'm not gonna be a fricken pirate! " Ahhh excuse me?" I say.

     Hook shuts everyone up and turns back to me. Then he looks to Zeke. "Zeke, give me the las and you get back with the others."

     "Aye Cap'n." Then he shoves me into the arms of hook, who wraps his good arm around my waste and waves the hook in front of my face.

     "Watcha' say las?" he asks me.

     "Ummmm.." Play it cool. "I'm sorry did you say I'm part of the crew?"

     "Aye, the boys need a woman around here. Someone to cook for 'em and tell 'em stories."

     I have to get out of here. "Don't I get a say in this?"

     "OK las, you have two choices accept my offer to be a part of my crew or refuse."

     "And what if I refuse?" I put some edge in my voice. I will not be harassed here.

     He quickly moves the arm from my waist to grab my hair and holds the hook on my neck. "If you refuse my generous offer, I'll have to slit this pretty throat of yours." Crap. Now what? I think back on the self defense moves I've seen in movies, hey I've gotta try something. I stomp down on Hook's foot, hard. He yelps in pain and lets go of me. I take the moment to run, but I'm blocked by pirates. A circle of huge bodies surrounds me and Hook. Hooks laughs evilly. I turn around and he's smiling at me.

     "Well, it looks like we have a little fighter lads! Somebody give the las a sword." I turn and someone chucks a huge sword at my feet. I pick it up and face Hook. "I'll make you a little deal Mary, fight me. If you win, you can go and be free. If I win, you will stay here prisoner and serve the crew."

     Seriously? I used to fence but I stopped when my parent's died. I haven't done it in over a year. But I was one of the best in my class. And I did have a few trophies from tournaments. Maybe I still got it. Honestly, I haven't thought about it in a while with the ranch and everything. And it's to my advantage. He's expecting some weak girl that knows nothing about sword play. Boy is he in for a surprise.

     "Do you accept las?"

     "Yes." is all I say.

     We begin to circle each other. I can tell Hook isn't taking me seriously as an opponent, which is good. He keeps looking at the rest of the crew and laughing. He turns around and raises his sword and everyone cheers. I take the opportunity to attack. I lunge forward but one pirate shouts a warning and Hook blocks my sword with his. Damn, I almost had him. I fall back and we circle each other again. I carefully watch him. His footwork, the way he holds his sword. He makes a move. I block his and push him back. The we both run towards each other and our swords collide. It's like a dance. His aims for my waist, I block then go for his arm. He blocks and swipes for my head, I duck and stab at his legs. He spins and goes for my face, I block. And we repeat this over and over.  I've had enough time to know when exactly he will move and where his sword will end up. I change it up, I stop in my tracks and turn around so my back is to him. 1...2....3... I turn again and sure enough hook is running right at me. I duck and grab at his stomach when he's almost on top of me. Then with every ounce of strength I have, I lift him up and toss him over my shoulder. He hits the ground with a thud and I press my foot on his chest and hold my sword to his neck.

     "Impressive young Mary. Truly impressive. You've got me down, now finish me and claim your freedom."

     I can't kill him. I won't, I just can't kill another human being, even if they are a complete pain in the ass.

    "I will spare your life but I still go free."

     "Of course las."

     Satisfied, I turn to go. But Hook knocks my feet out from under me and I fall to the hard floor.

     Now it's me pinned to the ground with a sword at my throat.

     "I'm sorry Miss Mary, but it seems like you'll be staying here after all." Hook laughs at me. He grabs my shirt and pulls me to my feet. He turns me so I'm facing him. Then I do what any girl would do in that situation. I spit in his face. Right away, I realize that was a bad move. His face turns bright red and he slaps me. I hold back the tears and rub my cheek.

     "On second thought.... You will not stay on this ship."

     I'm relieved for a second, but then confused and scared. Hook has this look in his eye that tells me I won't be alive much longer.

     "Lads!" Hook addresses the crowd "Throw the las overboard! Tie her up. Get her out of my sight."

     SHIT! Hook shoves me into the arms of Zeke, who takes no time tying my legs and arms together. He also attaches weights to my ankles. I start to scream for help, but he ties my mouth too. Unable to move Zeke steps aside so Hook can talk to me.

     "Well las this is your last chance, join me." I shake my head. Like hell I'll join any crew of his. "Very well, Zeke! Throw her overboard."

     Zeke smiles at me and picks me up bridal style. I start to squirm and squeal but it doesn't help. When we reach the edge, he turns me so that I'm facing in the direction of Hook who says "Goodbye my dear, such a pity, really." then turns and walks away.

     A million things rush through my head as Zeke swings me back then throws me over the side of the ship. I take a deep breath and close my eyes. Within seconds I hit the water. I sink instantly and am dragged further and further down by the weights. I open my eyes and look up and helplessly watch as the top of the water gets farther away from me and the outline of the ship becomes smaller and smaller. My lungs are burning and screaming for air. I hit the bottom in about fifteen seconds and I can't hold it any longer. I let out the breath and automatically take a breath. Water fills my lungs and I begin coughing. I get light-headed and I can feel myself slipping. My vision gets blurry and the last thing I see this the outline of somebody swimming up to me before I fade into blackness.

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