First Blood

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She Lifted Her Scythe and struck the ground with it's handle

The Ground started to shake

It began to tremble, until it gave in and cracked between Mark and Lin. Shadows erupted out of the newly formed crack. Mark's face became white.

Lin pointed the scythe towards Mark's group. The shadows moved towards them, forming hand like shapes. The hands grabbed all of the bullies and paused, as if awaiting a command.

She decided to test her authority. The bullies deserved it.

"Who are you" Mark asked, forcing the words out of his mouth.

"I am Lynda Last-name, and I command you to die a very painful death"

The Shadows curled around all the bullies and gave a really gentle squeeze.

Every one of them exploded to bits.

Everyone looked at Lin

She removed her hood.

Lynda Last-Name Stood in the center of a circle, surrounded by Children and adults.

Someone shouted out Murderer

Child murderer

She heard someone whisper

She is the one behind all the murders, she is the mid-night murderer.

This was not good. She put her hood back on and tried to shadow walk away.

Don't let her escape

She flew as fast as possible to her own home. She didn't bother opening it, she walked right through it. And hid behind her door

She was safe

"Not only did you leave the basement, but you also caused quite a show, didn't you, Lynda?"

She panicked, but it was just her mom

"Lynda Last-Name, seriously? You couldn't make up anything better than that?"

She stared, angrily at the shadowy figure at her door

"Don't bother explaining, I heard it all. it is clear, you have been talking to them, and now you have returned. It is best for you to die, or vanish forever"

Lynda didn't bother answering to her pathetic words

"You wanted answers? I'll give you answers! You are no child of mine! Someone just decided to dump a useless load on me..."

Lynda flinched. She was slightly relieved that she wasn't related to such a heartless nut

"...In fact, if you don't leave now I will call the cops myself"

"You are calling no one..."

Lynda turned to leave, but before she left, she gently hit the ground

"...And about you? I'll let them decide"

The floor split and shadows appeared. Lynda shadow walked through the door and never looked back


(COMPLETE)Venomyte Spectra: The Mid-Night MurdererМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя