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"Sweetheart we want you to use better judgement if you ever want to hang out with our daughter Callie again or you won't be allowed too maybe it's best if you guys part ways for a while so you could find yourself but I'm warning you their will be hell to pay if you get Callie into trouble again you hear me" stef said raising her voice trying to give a girl a pep talk hoping she'd get the message

"Yes mrs. Adams fosters I understand and maybe it's what's best I'm sorry I let you and your daughter down I regret causing you this much trouble in short amount of time that I've known you and your daughter maybe sometime a way it's what's best" Lauren said in understanding as she agreed

As my heart broke for lauren she has no one as I thought back to Lauren and I conversation 3 weeks back before she left

"I don't want to be the type of friend who gets you into trouble maybe your parents are right im bad for you and I'm bad to be around maybe some time apart will do us some good it will give me some time to think and to find myself"Lauren said with tears in her eyes as she was saying goodbye to me partly because she has no one else in her life that cared about her like I have

"Your not believe me I made these choices myself I have my own voice I could've said no if I want too and this in anyway is not your fault I chose to drink I chose to smoke and you weren't the reason behind it and their was a real reason behind it I'm going to share it with you right now so I want you to listen you remember the Foster brother I told you about Liam olmstead the one who raped me well their parents saw me and were saying really horrible things too me saying I ruined their life and it's my fault their son is in jail and you decided to cry rape how I'm a whore I led him on that encounter is what led me to drink and smoke with you it's what caused me to be so reckless i don't want you to leave me or part ways for a little while I need you you mean so much to me please don't go" I said getting frustrated with everyone putting the blame on Lauren and now Lauren is also blaming herself as tears fall as I tell the story about olmsteads

"That still doesn't change the fact about the whole ditching thing it was my idea I led to some of these things I provided the beer and alcohol even though I didn't force you or anything I still wasn't a good influence for bringing it in the first place maybe sometime is for the best but all think about you everyday Cals I'm not giving up on us or our friendship it means so much to me your the first person to care and support me I can't lose you and I'm sorry that you had to go through that with the olmsteads it must be tough and you shouldn't go through it alone or keep it bottled up inside talk to your parents or siblings about it you'll feel better when you do all see ya soon Cals don't worry all still see you in school" Lauren said in between sobs as they shared a heartfelt hug before she left as I started to cry uncontrollably this can't be happening I thought as my heart shattered in a million pieces

As I another thought fled through my mind as I thought about the conversation between me Mariana and Maya 3 weeks back after the exchange between Lauren and I

"Is it true that what you said about running into the olmsteads" Maya said with love and compassion as her heartbroke for Callie

"Yeah I did they degraded me saying that I was an attention seeking whore that it was my fault that their son and their lives were ruin blaming me for their sons problem because I'm the issue right" I said exploding into tears as I was upset and pissed off with everything up to this point

"Their wrong cals they just don't want to admit their son has a problem you are definitely not the one with the issue he took advantage of you and that's not ok and he deserves to do time and you deserve your justice and you never asked for this so don't go blaming yourself for his mistakes" Maya said headstrong and passionate wasn't going to let Callie go down the path of self blame and destruction

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