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Sorry about the other fanfiction of Ariana Grande...I didn't see the stories future but then I had a

awesome idea!! Yes this is another fan fic about Ariana Grande but this story is gonna be finished!

I've set myself a goal of 5k reads of this story by the time it's finished and I hope I get there and if I

do I'll be so happy!! 😄😄😄

Ok so here's some info about the story-

. Ariana Grande is her age currently ( the age she is now)

. Her nickname will be Ari

. She has two best friends that are not famous ( I did this becasue I thought it'll be good for you to

imagine someone for a change)

. She works at a local Starbucks and library

. I imagine Ariana Grande quiet, thoughtful and shy so that's her personality in the book

. She has a kitten called Cloud

- yeah hope you like it and read on 👌👌😃😃😃 :) <3


"There you are have a nice day!" I say brightly as I hand over a double chocolate frap over to a

teenager and she smiles and pays and I sigh as I look at the clock. Ten more minutes until break.

The door jingles and I pull on a smile.

"Hello-" I trial off as I recognise the bulky figure.

"Where is it?" He grunts and I recoil in fear, I back away from the counter and I bump into the

refrigerator behind me. His fist lands on the counter.

"Where is it!?" He barks and I swallow.

"I-I don't have it" I squeak and he looks up me, sea blue eyes blazing mad.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2014 ⏰

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