"No, you have to stay in bed!" Allen frowned.

"Sapphire!" Randy yelled.

Randy's hair turned a black color along with his eyes. Allen was shot across the room, being slammed atainst the wall. The wall cracked where he hit and rubble fell over where he laid.

"What the hell was that?" Allen asked trying to sit up.

"I almost forgot." Randy looked down at his hands. "I can absorb power from other chargins."

Randy stood up off te bed. He looked down at Allen. "Where is Sapphire?"

"I can't tell you that." Allen responded.

"And why not?" Randy asked flashing his pitch black eyes at Allen.

"I promised Sapphire I'd keep you safe." Allen used the wall to balance himself.

Randy surrounded his hand with a black pulse. The purple of his hair barely faded into the black a little.

"I'm more safe on the battle field right now." Randy frowned.

Allen couldn't fight it any more. "If I take you to the battle, you have to stop Sapphire from doing hat she's going to do."

"What is she going to do?" Randy asked picking Allen up off the gound by his collar.

"She plans on sealing the sorcerer away along with herself. She's going to stop him so you can have more time to train and prepare." Allen choked.

Randy dropped Allen in shock. "No; I finally kiss her and she goes and trys to kill herself."

"She's not going to kill herself, she's sealing herself away along with the sorcerer. But you have to defeat the sorcerer now if you don't want to lose her." Allen replied.

"Kirito! How's the sealing going?" Sapphire asked.

"I'm almost done!" Kirito yelled.

"Sapphire, look out behind you!" Itachi yelled making Sapphire jerk her head around.

A stanked beast stood tall over her. Itachi drew his sword and slashed through it with ease.

"Thanks Itachi." Sapphire said.

"It's done!" Kirito yelled.

Randy fell to the ground in pain, clenching his head. "AHH!!" He screamed in pain.

"Randy!" Allen rushed to Randy's side.

"Sapphire, do you realise what you made me do?" Kirito asked.

"I realise I had you seal his memories." Sapphire turned to look at Kirito. "It'll make it so he can move on without me."

"Why do you want that?" Kirito asked.

"So he doesn't remember the pain I put him through." Sapphire looked up at the sorcerer. "Now come on, let's go."

Sapphire lead the two men towards the sorcerer.

"Allen!!" Randy yelled. "What's happening to me?!"

"You memories are being sealed away." Allen said in shock. "We need to get you to Sapphire now."

Allen picked Randy up off the ground and carried him on his back. "Let's go."

Sapphire reached the top of the castle and drew her sword. "There he is." Sapphire whispered.

Itachi krept out in front of Sapphire. "Itachi, what eare you doing?"

"I'll take him on first so we'll have a fighting chance." Itachi whispered back.

The Girl Named Sapphire (Book 1) #Wattys2014Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon