Makoto sprinted back to the main office while Kyoko stayed with Kokichi. "Listen, I'm going to be honest with you. This situation isn't good, I want to ask you to not panic and try and assist, can you do that?" 

"Yeah.." Kokichi stuttered back. 

"Good, come with me." Kyoko demanded before running into the main office.

Kokichi was frozen, he wanted to move but he couldn't. He was afraid of what Shuichi might of done or what he might do. All he kept saying to himself was, "I need to find him before he does something he'll regret.." 

He finally plucked up the courage and followed Kyoko into the office. 

When he opened to door, he saw Makoto with a panicked look on his face desperately scanning the room along with Kyoko. 

"Uhh, what's going on?" Kokichi asked anxiously. 

"I think Shuichi's taken the case file." Kyoko sharply replied. 

"Taken the case file?" Kokichi panicked, "Why would he do that?!" 

"He might try and find Tsumugi... it's possible that that's the reason he took it, so he could find Tsumugi." Makoto spoke up without thinking.

As soon as he finished the sentence, Kyoko stared at him as to say..."You idiot.."

Kokichi panicked, "TSUMUGI? We need to save him! Please!"

"There's nothing we can do right now Kokichi, we just have to wait." Kyoko sighed regretfully.

"No! There must be something you can do!" Kokichi said, shouting louder than before but still trying as hard as he could not to lose his temper. 

Kyoko sighed sincerely and Makoto started to walk over to Kokichi to offer support of some sort. "There isn't anything.." Makoto said as gently as he could.

Kokichi finally snapped, "HE MIGHT DIE IF WE DON'T HELP HIM." He shouted at the top of his lungs, "I LOVE HIM AND I CAN'T LET HIM DIE." 

Kyoko and Makoto didn't say anything and instead looked down at the floor, suddenly hit with the reality of the situation. 

"I'm going to call him, something you would never do." Kokichi cried, "Because you don't care."

Kokichi walked away slowly. After he was out of Kyoko's and Makoto view he pulled out his mobile phone and desperately searched for Shuichi's number. 

The phone rang loudly. Shuichi could hear it from his pocket. He took a deep breath, he was doing all of this because he didn't want anyone else to die and he wanted to protect Kokichi at all costs. He regretfully rejected the call and turned the sound off. 

A few minutes passed before the phone vibrated in Shuichi's pocket. He got the phone out of his pocket and rejected the call. That time was harder than the last time but he knew he couldn't bring himself to talk to Kokichi. 

Kokichi was standing in one of the corridors of the office building with his hand desperately clutching his phone with Shuichi's contact on screen. He knew that Shuichi had already rejected all his phone calls but he couldn't give up. One more attempt. 

As the phone rang, Kokichi had never been more tense and Shuichi had never been more conflicted. The longer the phone rang, the more Kokichi started to give up. 

The phone had been ringing for nearly a minute and Kokichi decided to hang up but as he lowered the phone down from his ear, Shuichi picked up.


Kokichi instantly grabbed the phone back to his ear and shouted back, "WHY DIDN'T YOU PICK UP THE F*CKING PHONE." 

Shuichi gently laughed to himself.

"I'm sorry...why did you call?" Shuichi replied nervously. 


"Oh.." Shuichi sighed, "I'm okay... don't panic.." 

"Where are you right now? I'm coming to get you." Kokichi instructed, calmer than before.

"I love you okay. Don't ever forget that." Shuichi's tone suddenly changed to a more serious one, like he was saying goodbye. 

Before Shuichi hung up the phone, Kokichi heard Tsumugi's voice said coldly, "You're finally here.. is it to protect him I wonder?.." 

As soon as the phone cut off, Kokichi ran out of the corridor towards Kyoko's office. 

Makoto and Kyoko were at the computer and looked ready to go. 

"I've just talked to him.. he's with Tsumugi.." Kokichi stuttered, crying. 

"We've tracked his phone." Kyoko explained, "We know exactly where he is." 

"If we waste anymore time... let's go." Kyoko continued.

All three of them left the building in a hurry equipt with everything they needed. They needed to track him down before something happened to him. 

They just hoped they wouldn't be too late. 

Locked in - OumaSai - COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now