I sat up and the door to the simplistic room quietly opened. A man with dark skin waltzed in and took a seat at the desk. "Wow, we thought you were dead. No offence. You were asleep for four or five days." The news hit me like a truck but it wasn't too surprising, I hadn't been in a bed for a long time.  

"I am sure you have a lot of questions but, I'm going to ask you to keep them to yourself. Only for a little bit longer. Somebody will come in here soon with some food and then they will take you to my throne room. Then, and only then, you can ask me and my friends as many questions as you want." The words sunk into my brain. 

"Is that okay with you?" I nodded. I figured it would be better to comply than fight back. After all, they gave me a bed and they're giving me food soon. The woman with the food came in roughly ten minutes after the other man left. She brought me a bowl, of what I assumed was rice, and a glass of water. 

"You have thirty minutes to eat and regain your strength before I take you to the throne room. My name is Shuri. What's yours?" I smiled and replied "Y/N." Shuri and I talked and laughed for the next thirty minutes. I felt like we were slowly becoming friends. She led me out of my room when it was time to meet the man from before. 

I was guided into a room with a glass floor and a throne in the center. Eight chairs were aligned in a circle around the throne. In the throne sat the dark skinned man. The other person who helped rescue me sat to his left in one of the eight chairs. 

The girl who took me here, Shuri, took the empty seat to the right of the throne. Six out of the eight chairs were occupied. In the seat next to one of my rescuers was another dark skinned man with a little bit of facial hair, to his right, a girl with bright eyes and brown hair. 

On the other side of the throne, next to Shuri, was a muscular man with long hair and what looked like the start of a beard. He was quite handsome actually. His face provoked a sense of familiarity in me, but I shook it off. To his left, another white man. His hair was turning grey and his body was rather small. I approached the throne. 

"My name is T'Challa Udaku. I am the king of Wakanda, the country you find yourself in. We rescued you from the so called HYDRA agents because we believe that you could be a valuable asset to us. If you have any questions, ask them. We will do our best to answer." I thought over my questions in my head before speaking up "How am I valuable to you?" 

The King looked at the floor before looking over to the man who was previously wearing the blue costume "We believe you to be one of the enhanced." Confusion rippled through me "Enhanced? What's that?" I asked "They are people who have have parts of their body's amplified. For example Wanda," 

He pointed to the woman with brown hair "She is an enhanced person. She has telekinesis and can control people's minds," He hesitated before continuing "Her brother, he um... he was one too. He had a higher metabolism which made him run really fast. Faster than any human being alive." I nodded, processing their words. "Do you know what my power is?"

"We believe it to be similar to Wanda's but only the telekinesis part. We also think that you can shape shift." Again, confusion coursed through me and my heart-rate quickened "How do you know this? When did this happen to me?" 

The man with long hair stood up and walked over to me "When you were with HYDRA, in that room, what happened?" 

MARVEL ➳ Imagines (on hiatus)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt