The Beginning

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It's been one year since Jim has escaped the Darklands. One year since he defeated Gunmar, and one year of pain being inflicted upon him. With his newfound freedom also came pain.

Of course he was beyond happy to be out of that wretched place, but his psyche wasn't in its normal place anymore.

"Master Jim are you sure you're okay?" Asked Blinky.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I can handle a little bit of training." Scoffed Jim.

Blinky believed Jim sooner or later, but that didn't stop him from worrying about him. Blinky didn't care for Jim as a just a trollhunter anymore, he began to think of him like a son. If Jim had died in the Darklands he would've never forgiven himself.

After training Jim got on his bike and began to ride home. Things in the trollhunting aspect have died down quite a bit. The only things he's done since he's gotten back was rounding up a few rouge gnomes.

"Maybe it's for the best," he thought. "Knowing me I'd probably just mess it up."

With that Jim rode into the driveway and put away his bike. The house was quiet as usual, but Jim didn't like the quiet anymore. It made him think too much.

Jim quickly ran up the stairs to his room without looking back. After a long day of pretending everything was okay he snapped.

Tears streamed down his face as he remembered the look on Aaarrrgghh's face as he turned to stone. Even though he was home and all of his friends, well most, were okay he never felt more alone. More terrified.

The similar feelings of the Darklands never left even after he returned through the portal. Jim was desperate to feel something, anything. His mom being a nurse had its perks.

He walked into her room and found some of her medical supplies and took the sharpest thing he could find. The blade was small but sharp. Jim stared down at it for what seemed like forever

"Am I really going to do this? He thought allowed.

Jim slowly brought down the blade to his unscarred wrist and carved into it. At first he hissed at the pain, but then he wanted more. Jim wasn't done until there were more than 10 perfectly parallel lines on his arm.

He stared at the blood dripping down and found great comfort in doing so.
He then carefully cleaned and bandaged his wounds and hid the evidence of anything that ever happened.

Even after cutting himself he still felt that same numb feeling. He ignored the tingling in his arm and climbed into bed wishing for something different.

Hi hello! I'm aware that this chapter is a bit short, but I still hope hope you enjoyed this! I don't know how often I'm going to update, but hopefully it's not too long!

• Description of a blade
• Cutting
• Blood

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