"So....breakfast?" I said after a while, rubbing sleep out of my eyes.

"Oh, yeah. Niall came to the door this morning and I answered. He said that him, Liam and Zayn are going out for breakfast in a few and asked if we wanted to go," he said excitedly.

"So you and Niall hit it off pretty well last night?" I asked, smiling.

"Don't say it like that but yeah. I think it's because we both love to watch football but we aren't too good at actually playing it was the reason I talked to him the most. I like Louis too but he talked about playing the game while Niall and I talked about remembering stuff that we saw on different matches or stuff that happens in the stands. Obviously I couldn't say much about that because I've never been to a game and he's a millionaire and he can afford tickets and transport to any game he wants so he could have talked all night. We still talked a lot with Louis though," he finished. It really does sound like he had a great time last night and I love that.

"So are you coming?" he said, snapping me out of my daydream I was slowly sinking into.

"Oh...ummm....no. Tell them that I'm sorry but I'm fine. Have fun though," I said and he pouted.

"Are you sure?"

I nodded, "and if I get lonely I'll go visit Harry and Louis. I'm sure they'll let me be with them."

"Okay," he frowned, standing up from the bed.

"Have fun. Talk to Liam and Zayn too. Don't exclude them," I smiled and waved.

"I'll be back by 10 at the latest," he said. I nodded and watched him walk out the bedroom.

"Take the spare key just in case I'm not here!" I called out.

"K. Bye!" he yelled and I heard the front door open.

"Bye!" I called back. I heard the door slam close so I fell back and snuggled back in the warm blankets. I sat up suddenly.

"Oh my Gosh," I gasped, violently chucking the blankets off and sprinting towards the front door, slipping on the tiles a little bit.

"Edward," I cried just as the elevator doors opened. He looked at me.

"You cannot go out in your pyjamas!" I yelled, embarrassed that he was going to do it.

"But I don't have pyjamas. I sleep in my..."

"Boxers!" I interrupted. I would walk out and get him but I sleep in my boxers too and I don't want to go out in the hall like this.

"That's worse Edward. Get back in here and get dressed," I whisper-shouted at him. I have a feeling he was doing this to tease me because he must have gotten out of my clothes and purposely not have gotten dressed.

Harry, Edward and MarcelWhere stories live. Discover now