Are u happy?

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It's not that I don't want to be happy

It's that, despite how hard I try I can't bring myself to be happy.

I feel suffocated, embarrassed, ashamed

Why did I have to be this way?

I have a great family, amazing friends, good academic results,

Everything on paper is okey;

Yet all I ever seem to see is sadness and grey.

It's like there is this burden on me

Pulling myself to the ground

And however you try, you can't bring myself out

I can't take myself to care

About anything, not me, not him, not her.

Living has become this constant nightmare,

And it's just not fair.

It's a disease that affect every aspect of my life

My work, my relationship my education.

And to this day,

Despite my best efforts to explain,

I am always met with blind hesitation.

un paio di rimeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora