Cancelled Plans

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Ken should have expected this. After the whole battle yesterday, his parents took the day off and had him stay home from school. Ken assumed it was their excuse to show that they wanted to spend time with him. That they were there for him and wanting to start fresh. That they loved him for being him and not for the genius part.

He watched them as he ate breakfast, listening to them as they talked to Wormmon. His parents seemed intrigued to learn that Wormmon has always been there to look out for him. Ever since he first met Wormmon it always seemed as if Wormmon knew Ken better than Ken's own parents. Now that he thought about it that was actually sad.

Ken frowned as he saw the guilty looks on his parents faces. He sipped his drink as they continued to exchange words. However, he frozen when Wormmon mentioned, without thinking, that Ken had other partners.

"You have more partners?" his father asked, shocked.

"Ken, sweetie? What's that matter?" his mother asked when he refused to meet their gazes. "Did something happen to them?"

Ken sighed as he placed his glass down. "You could say that."

"What happened, son?" his father asked softly.

"It's a long story and I'm afraid you might not like it very much." Both of his parents looked concern. "Do you remember when I seemed to disappear for about five hours last month?"

"Of course," his mother said with a concerned frown. "Daisuke and your other friends were quite worried."

"Are you going to tell what happened to you?" his father pressed. Ken had refused to tell them what happened. They had feared that he had been kidnapped and didn't want to think about what might have happened during that time.

Ken bit his lip as he tried to sort through his thoughts. Where should he start and how much he should say? "Wormmon?"

"Yes," Wormmon said, looking guilty.

"Go to my room and get my bag. I have a purple file in there that I need." Wormmon's antennas went up in surprise.

"Um, okay. Be right back." Ken watched as Wormmon crawled down the table and disappeared into the hallway.

"It's a lot easier to explain with the files I have," he told his parents without looking at them.

"Okay sweetie, but what this have to do with your partners."

"Let's just wait for Wormmon," Ken replied. The two adults sighed and waited for Wormmon to return with the files. They gave each other sad looks, wondering what it take to get their son to trust them again?

"Here you go, Ken." Ken smiled at his partner as he returned. Ken picked Wormmon up and placed him on the table. Ken thanked Wormmon as he is given the folder. Within the folder were seven files, which he placed on the table for his parents to see. His parents looked through the files, realizing that the files contained a picture of a scary digimon, a strange symbol, the name of their partner, and basic information about them. His parents were mostly interested on the two files that had their son listed as the digimons' partner.

"These are the Demon Lords," Ken introduced them. "They are Ultimate Level Digimon, except for Lucemon. He's a Child." Ken studied his parents expression. The both of them were struggling to understand how their son can be partnered to these digimon.

"When the Digital World was first made, Light and Darkness fought to coexist. Like in our history, war broke out. Many digimon were outcasted because of what type they were and what their status was. Many turned to the Darkness, rejecting the powers of light. This led to war and bloodshed. These digimon," he pointed to the pictures. "Are the one that were outcasted because of their status."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2017 ⏰

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