Carnival caos part 2

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As amazing as the hotel looked from the outside, it was even better on the inside.

They had two rooms, one for the girls, the other, boys. The first room they explored was the girl's room. It had the most immense bed they had ever seen, placed on a high dais in the center of the room and bedecked in crimson silk and gold embroidered quilts of the same brilliant scarlet. Two ruby-red couches flanked its sides.

"Wow!" Skull Boy uttered in amazement, circling the room with the childish need to touch everything. He glided his fingers over the various furnishings, admiring the glossy surface of the ornate pieces and then, without warning, Iris pitched herself into the center of the bed with an exuberant whoop. Much to Frank and Len's pleasure, a mini-fridge, which was packed with free food, sat across from bed and beneath a massive flat screen LCD 3D TV.

"This... is... the life!"

Even better for Skull Boy and Ruby, there was a type-writer seated on the desk facing the tinted French windows.

"Perfect! We can already prepare our drafts then!"

"Yup, that means there is only one thing left..."

"Trochu se pobavit, všichni!" Skull Boy cheered until he realized that everyone was looking at him weirdly. One of Doom's eye was even bulging. Luckily, Iris cleared the tension by rushing to the door and slapping a cap on her head,

"If that means fun, then I'm all for it!"

"If it doesn't?" Len wondered aloud.

Before Skull Boy could even explain what he had said earlier on, Iris just shrugged her shoulders and grabbed a bowl of salad from the fridge, stomping towards the bed before plopping herself on it.

"Fine, Mr Scrooge Skulls! I'll eat my favorite dish in the world, WITHOUT FUN!" She huffed as she speared a cherry tomato sitting atop her salad with gusto, imagining it as Skull Boy's skull before shoving it into her mouth. Split seconds later, she found herself gagging,

"I was wondering why Iris suddenly liked vegetables." Misery said flatly as Ruby and Doom rushed to help Iris to the bathroom.

After cleaning up Iris, checking out the boys' room and enjoying the free 'anti-salad' lunch from the fridge, they had much energy to spend. Ruby had retrieved a sketch plan of the amusement complex-it had two sections, indoors and outdoors. They decided to explore the outdoor attractions first, since they could go to the indoor rides anytime. Unfortunately, Scaredy had decided to 'accompany' Doom to the Kitty Spa nearby. The sassy kitty had rolled her eyes but said nothing, not even a violin chord as Scaredy helped her carry her 'priming' bag. After waving farewell to the bat and cat, the gang, minus two, went through their plans.

Firstly, they had to consider the question of money to finance their quest to taste the food of the amusement park, since Ruby knew that her father was very busy settling some matters in Doomsville. After much hard work and RIP's huge paycheck from their latest album, they managed to get $80 for the entire day. The rest was put aside for the rest of the days and future use.

Eyes wide and round like soccer balls, they held their breath as they entered Catastrophe and wandered around the park spellbound, savoring the magic of the amusement park, striving to absorb as much of the sights and sounds as their small frames would. It was as though they had wondered into another dimension of the world, just like Alice's Wonderland. Soon, they felt as if they were led by an invisible hook, pulling them around the theme park.

They suddenly felt like a bee encased in a box with ten different types of honey, having a hard time deciding which ride to go on.

Noticing just a slight queue, they made a dash for the choo-choo train ride, except for Poe whose face was suddenly as pale as Ruby's.

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