CHAPTER 1: A Days Passage

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As the sun stretched across the horizon of Vaktovia, Bertha tried to ignore the light that shone through her window, ending up failing - which caused her to haplessly crawl out of bed and rub her tired, crystal-blue eyes. She roamed her room for a second - stretching. The grey metal-based walls covered every wall, including the ceiling and surface. A small red panel lay on the wall - opposite the bed, while a few black and red chairs lay here-and-there. A large light-based emitter hung down from the ceiling.

Vaktovia didn't seem much of a decorative place, but its empire was sure to keep things tidy, and at least beautiful from far-off perspectives.

Bertha walked towards the table and mirror that lay to the right of the bed - left of the window - where she fixed her jet-grey-black hair. She combed part of it to her left side - covering part of her eye, while also putting her hair in a ponytail. She got dressed into her uniform - fit for the Guard rank.

Guards were casual militant personnel. They mostly just sat around the main sectors that led into the region, but thanks to hard training and effort - she managed to be tasked for Council Guard, meaning that she would stand guard - around the main building where all council members (including the Emperor, himself, Vaktus) would have meetings.

As Bertha put on her jet-grey shoes, she placed her index finger upon a small red panel which lay on her right wrist-side of the clothing - which was also jet-grey. When the panel scanned her fingerprint, multiple pieces of black-grey metal started to unfold around sections of her clothing - creating arm and leg pads, a chest-plate of sort, connecting her shoes (which had also been covered with metallic instances), and including a rim - which lay around the bottom half of her neck - mostly for the use of helmet attachments.

This type of armor was the combination of Vaktovian and Ostrenvaxian technology. The Ostrenvaxians are one of the most intellectual beings in The Known. The Known, itself, is where everything in existence is created. The Ostrenvaxians, themselves, are allies with the Vaktovian/other region-based inhabitants of Unduso-D (home world): the Unduso-De'ans or Robloxians is what the species is known as.

Bertha walked past the few rooms that lay open with bright light, through the kitchen, and then towards the elevator of the apartment. She lived on the sixteenth floor - of fifty eight.

As the elevator dropped to the first floor, she walked out and into the brightness of day. It was a clear-blue sky, as many Vaktovian flagships roamed the stratosphere. The roads were crowded with rushing vehicles - which hovered slightly above the ground. It was very busy in the region of Vaktovia. Everyone had something to do, no-matter what.

Just like on Earth, there were taxis' - which charged money (which was called Robux on Unduso-D), but because Bertha was part of the Vaktovian military, she could take a cab for free.

When she arrived at the council headquarters - an hour later, she approached the main gates, was assigned her spot to stand, and given her rifle - which was a tinge of black, which red lights that shone from multiple spots of it - just like miniature sections of her armor-like clothing. To show that she was especially on duty, she was given a red beret - which had a black-grey rim, and displayed a small Vaktovian symbol pin: the 'Y' shape.

As she walked up the long stretch of artificial road, the trees that lay on either side of her - waved healthy green leaves in her direction. When she approached her spot - which on the left of the main entrance to the council headquarters - she rested her shoulders and swung the rifle onto her back. Apparently she was the only person guarding the main entrance at the time. That's strange...normally there's another person on the opposite side? Bertha thought to herself. Maybe they're at Marke'vixa. I mean, I did hear that a lot of the guards would be assigned for patrol duty near the edges of the region. Oh well, seems i'm going to have to up my skills by twice as much - in case an intruder tries to pass through, or multiple intrud- Bertha! Stop worrying, jeez! Everything is going to be okay...this region hasn't faced a Die'ten attack since before the start of Mavasa's Revolution! And that was centuries ago! I need to stop worrying, she concluded.

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