Chapter One: I Promise

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You perched on a rooftop above the bustling streets of New York. It's usual bright, busy atmosphere was replaced as darkness fell upon the city. As everyone else's work finished, yours had just begun.

To most the City of New York was a vast, intricate, labyrinth of noisy streets and darkened alleys. Every Starbucks and McDonald's was identical to the last.
To you it was a hunting ground. Your hunting ground.

It was your territory and God help any opposing beast who dared step foot in it.

You sat waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike. Every so often you'd stare down the scope on your awm-f rifle.
At the other end of your scope was a wealthy 'businessman'. Not that there was anything manly about him. He was middle aged and overweight, his red face and monstrous chin were the stuff of nightmares and it was rather obvious that he'd never climbed the social ladder with his looks.

This 'businessman' had been under 16 different allegations of rape, yet he'd managed to walk away free. He was antithetical to the innocent gentleman that many perceived him to be, but his substantial wads of cash quickly changed that. The system was well and truly screwed. Hence the reason why you took matters into your own hands, along with the exhilaration that came with the whole thing.

"Your money can't save you here." You thought to yourself.

As you sat and waited for your perfect opportunity, you sang to yourself. It was a habit that you'd forgotten the origin of, but you'd always loved to sing.

"I've been a liar,

Been a thief.

Been a lover,

Been a cheat.

All my sins need holy water.

Feel it washin' over me."


He'd stood up from the chair that he'd been lounging in whilst he'd been on his phone and was now stood directly in front of the large, panelled window.

"Come on. Let me see your face."

You smirked, your finger loitering on the trigger as you stared down the telescopic lens where you watched him slowly turn to face the window.

You finally had a clear view of his face: His thin, chapped lips were naturally downturned into a frown, his nose was pointed and his eyes were hooded and dull, hidden slightly behind his thick, rectangular spectacles.

With barely a second's thought you pressed down on the trigger, sending a bullet flying towards him. You'd been waiting for this.
The bullet shattered the glass and hit him in the forehead, sending it through his skull. He clumsily fell to the floor. Dead.
You'd given him a quick death and you hated that, but he was dead all the same.
The dark, crimson liquid poured out from his head, surrounding him and ruining the expensive carpet that he laid on. Oh well, he has enough money to fix it.

You packed up your gun and shoved it into your backpack, taking one last look at your work before you stood up and slung your bag over your shoulder.

"A little one.

I don't want to admit to something,

Misanthrope ~ Captain America X readerWhere stories live. Discover now