They told me to go to rehab but i'm like No, No, No!!

Start from the beginning

Hannah looked up at Jake and he was staring at the door. His pale face showed every emotion out there. But Hannah can see in his eyes that he was still in love with her. Hannah reached out and placed her hand on his shoulder. “She’s here. She’s home.” Hannah said in a small voice. Not only was she talking to Jake, but herself as well.

Jake turned to her and gave her a small smile. He pulled her towards him and they embraced. They stood there, listening to the faint sounds of the others voices.

As they were regrouping with the others Jinxx came on the bus and told everyone that Brendon was on his way. “All we can do now is wait.” Hannah said. Andy wrapped his arms around Hannah and held her firmly. “Are you ok?” Andy asked. Hannah turned and looked up to him. She scanned his face and saw he was sincere and concerned for her. They had been through so much together and they had only known each other for a year. Hell it was probably the Best and the worst year of Hannah’s life. “I had prepared myself for this day for a long time. I’m just grateful they it’s finally happening.” Andy pressed his lips to her forehead and Hannah tightened her grip around his waist.

“Let’s all go inside.” Hannah suggested. She saw they everyone was cramped into a bus they could only hold 5 people let alone 12 people.

They all got off the bus, leaving Nikki in the bus for now. Julia led the guys to the living room while Hannah and CC grabbed them drinks. They all sat in silence. “Can you tell us what happened?” Andy asked, shattering the silence. Danny looked at Ben and took and deep breath. “We were in the Toronto phase of Warped Tour and we were several buses down from Escape the Fate. Every night we could hear them partying. Then Ronnie got himself arrested and left Nikki to fend for herself. She left the venue and we didn’t see her for a couple weeks until we came to Cincinnati. She just got out of the bunker and we found her doing a line in the bathroom. She was so out of it when we took her on the bus. The next morning she started freaking out and we had to lock her in the master bedroom. Ben found her phone and went through it. He recognized your name Hannah and we drove here.”

A tear fell down her face and Andy pulled her close to him. Andy looked at Danny and mouthed “Thank you.” Danny nodded but didn’t say anything.

About an hour later Brendon burst through the door looking for his little sister. Danny and Hannah pulled him into the kitchen and explained what happened. “You boys stay here while Hannah and Danny show Brendon where Nikki is.” Julia suggested. Jake, Jinxx, CC, Ash and Andy stood on the front steps and watched Hannah and Danny lead Brendon to the bus. The bus door slammed shut. Andy sighed and kicked at an invisible rock. “It’s going to ok.” Andy looked at Ash.

There was a reason why Ash was Andy’s best friend. Sure he was the perv of the group but he had his moments.

“You’re getting married. You and Hannah haven’t even looked at venues, or suits or considered a guest list. You haven’t even set a date! After we have dealt with this, the wedding is number one priority. I don’t want to be late walking my sister down the aisle.” He smirked.

They waited a few more minutes before the door burst open. Brendon held Nikki in his arms bridal style and took her to his car. Hannah and Brendon talked a bit. Andy was too far away to hear but it looked like they were deciding what to do. Brendon hugged Hannah one last time before he climbed into the car and left.

They said goodbye to Asking Alexandria. “You know Danny, you’re not a badass all the time. You do have a soft spot.” Hannah called out. “It stays between you and me sweetheart, I have an asshole reputation to maintain!” They all laughed and watched the tour bus drive away.

They all walked back into the house and Hannah explained that Brendon was taking Nikki straight to rehab. “She might hate me for the rest of her life but it’s the best thing to do. I’m not going to cry over her anymore.” And it was true. Her voice held strong. She was sick and tired of crying over someone who insulted her like Nikki did.

Andy gave her a proud smile. An idea came into Hannah’s head. She turned to Julia who stood a couple feet away. She didn’t want to get in the way of their moment. “Julia, you are part of this weirdass family. I don’t know what you see in Ashley but I’m glad you’re here. You have been a friend to me in a short period of time and I don’t know what I would have done without you. I know this is a little weird but will you be my maid of honor?” Julia’s jaw dropped and stuttered out “Are you sure? Me?” Hannah nodded and smiled huge. “I would love to!” Julia yelled. The girls hugged and laughed. When they broke apart Julia dragged Hannah upstairs and they talked wedding. They pictured this huge grand wedding and the guys laughed as Andy’s face drained once he pictured the money that would add up. The last of the colour left his face and mumbled something about getting a glass of whiskey.

The day went on and Andy sat in the basement with his notebook and pen. He needed the perfect song to sing for Hannah on their big day. He tried to write but noting good came out. He listened as laughter came from upstairs. “Ashley! Put the whip cream down and no one gets hurt!” Hannah screamed. Andy laughed as he could hear Ashley spray whip cream and Hannah screaming in anger.

He was 18 years old. He’s in a band. He’s engaged to the most beautiful, wonderful girl in the world. He lives in a house with his bandmates and his girl. Andy felt everything was falling into place.

“Andy!! Hannah’s trying to kill me!” Ashley yelled, breaking Andy’s train of thought.  He gave up on writing for the moment and went upstairs to save a 6’1 grown ass man from a 5’2 female girl.

Andy stood in the door way and saw Hannah standing on one side of the kitchen island and Ashley was on the other. Hannah had whipped cream in her hair and down her shirt. Ashley had armed himself with a turkey baste. Jake and Jinxx were standing on the island gripping each other for dear life. CC had his phone out and was video tapping the beginnings of Ashley’s death.

“Hannah.” Andy stood firm but a smile fought its way onto his face. “What did we saw about killing Ashley?” Hannah sighed. “We aren’t supposed to kill him until his life insurance goes up and there aren’t any witnesses.” “That’s right.” Andy confirmed as CC, Jake and Jinxx laughed. “Hey now!” Ashley yelled out worried. “Keep an eye out on the internet Ash. I have a certain video that will ruin your life.” And with that she turned on her heel. Ashley ran behind her, yelling “Hannah! Get back here!”

Ok so this wasn’t one of the best chapters but it’s here!! I’m sorry its been a week since I last updated. I have been going through somethings and I didn’t have time to update. So please vote/comment/review. I want to hear your opinions. If you have an idea for this story, I would love to put it in. peace out bitches!

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