chapter 2

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(kili's POV)

everyone was up and getting ready to leave so early in the morning. hazel was all ready to go and she was out side feeding her horse. he was a black stallion. he was so beautiful. i snuck up behind her to scare her. poking her she scremed and turned around. i poked her more she started to giggiel and as a huge smile grow on her face. we stoped when everyone started to come out of the house to get there horse ready.

"bilbo did not want to come so we will go with out a burglar unless you know where there is one that whould want to come" thorin said as he got on to his horse. we started to traville and i was beside hazel.

"i bet bilbo will not come" i say to hazel.

"would you bet money that he will not come" she ask with a look on her face like she is about to do some thing evil.

"yes i would"i say smiling

"ok i bet you 50 coins that he will come later" she said confidently

"ok deal" i said knowing that i will win. every one joined are bet. now we will see who will win. we ride for a bite longer untill we heared someone yelling behind us. i looked to see bilbo runing up behind us.

"i signed the papers" he handed oin the papers.

"where is my 50 coins kili" hazel said as she poked me.

"fine that was just luck" i said as i past hazel 50 coins. eveyone started to past other 50 coins.

"we only have 15 horse so someone will have to share." thorin said hoping someone will volunteer to share.

"i will give bilbo my horse" hazel said as she got off her horse and helped bilbo get on her horse.

"you can come on my horse" i say as i give hazel a hand to help her up. she takes my hand an pulls her self up. she put's her arms around me and rest her haed on my shoulder. we rode on for a cupple hours more.

"we will camp here for the night. kili, fili you go find the horse some food and water." thorin said as he points at us. we take the horse to an open area.

"so kili is there some thing going on in between you and hazel" fili winks at me.

"no why would you think that there is some thing going on in between me and her" i said so quikly so he would not think that i like her.

"becaues you never have acted like this befor she came" fili said i looked up and sow that there were 3 troll taking are horses. we ran behund a tree. then i sow a troll take bilbo. i ran to tell everyone that the trolls had taking bilbo.

"the trolls toke bilbo" i yelled everyone looked at me and grabed there weppens and followed me.

arthur's notes:

thank you for reading. i am sorry if there is lots of mistake's. please comment, vote, and follow! i would really appreciate if you do! :)

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