Chapter 1: The Last Adventure

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Time: ???

Place: The Cavern Of Truth

Companion: Riku

    Seperated I was...along with my faithful partner, Riku, in the labyrinth known as "The Cavern of Truth." "Riku!" I shouted. My voice echoed in the cave. I was a handsome ol' chap. Dressed in my brown vest with a necktie, my pants were also brown but Khaki wise with my two ears like circles with which were also black with my hair and body. My suede shoes. "Oh blast...Well...I hope she be alright." In the distance, my ears caught the sound of a "WRREEORP" sound. WRREEORP! WRREORP! "That sound...a TARDIS?" It "WRREEORP" again, but louder as I ran towards it. "No mistaking it!! That's a TARDIS!!" As I ran, the noise stopped. I saw infront of my eyes..."What...?" I stopped and wondered. "This is my TARDIS...but that's impossible..." It was blue with a purple ball on top. The lights were on, and as I opened the door...what I saw...made me terrified... it...IT CAN'T BE!!!" The laughter of "HIM"...echoed in my ears as I screamed in agony, falling on my knees. It was like a thousand needles sticking me everywhere. "NO...NOOOOOOOOO!!" Everything was black.

                                                  *                                   *                                       *

Riku P.O.V

      *Pant Pant* Was the soind I heard...I followed it and blushed, feeling giddy inside. "Doctor, finally found you!" "Riku...we're leaving now." "Oh yeah! We're finally gonna stop "HIM" right?" The doctor, so handsome and tall, but...he looked different. He had gray clothings and his hair was slightly gray. His hands were on my shoulder. He was shivering like he saw a ghost. "No! We're running and never coming back!" He walked to the TARDIS but I ran in front of him. "No,'re not making any sense... We have to stay here and help everymouse." But what happened...I was expect something like this...*sniff*

Doctor P.O.V

           "GET IN THE BLOODY TARDIS NOW!!" At that moment, I couldn't control my actions, like something or some spirit was leading me to hit that's what I did...I gave her a well hard slap....I will forever regret that mistake. I couldn't do anything else but watch her go into the TARDIS...I then walked to the controls and got everything started. She was in the corner I suppose... "Doctor..." I heard her say. 

Riku P.O.V

"Doctor..." I managed to speak. My thoughts was utterly in different ways, I couldn't speak...what happened to him? "Take me home, right now." "What? Home? Why?" I turned my back on him. "C'mon Riku...we...we can go anywhere in the universe..." My mind was up. "I don't want to travel with you anymore." "Wha-?" I lost myself in my feelings. "You're nothing but a big...lying...coward in a bluebox who pretends to be a hero!!" "....." "Just take me to Reg and Kun." "...Fine..." It was only silence I heard, besides the sound of the warping sound. As it stop, I walked out. "You really aren't going to stop "HIM"...?" I turned to look at my once Doctor. "No!! If saving the world you just care about...then I don't need you!!" I hugged him. "Goodbye, Doctor..." I cried. "GET OFF OF ME!! JUST....GET THE HELL OUT OF MY SITE!!" I was heartbroken. "GO DAMMIT!!"as he shoved me to go.

My P.O.V

 "...Happy now, readers? For those who read the Prolouge." "But my should really get a check up." "Oh know...that's not a bad idea. And I think I know just the right doctor to make an appointment with..." I licked my lips seductily.

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