"...Thanks." I whisper heading towards the basement. Once I reach the cold, cemented room, I immediately hear him. I turn the corner to see him throwing small stones at the wall.

"Levi?" I clear my throat. His head snaps to me before noticing his light pink eyes.

"Hey..." His voice cracks. I step closer before sitting down next to him.

"Did you really mean what you said before? That you don't give a fuck if I die?" I question thinking back to our fight. I'm pretty sure he doesn't but I can never be too sure.

"Of course I didn't Eren. I was just mad." He replies, leaning against the hard wall. 

"I don't know what I would do if you died to be honest." He sighs. I place my hand on his not knowing what to do. 

"I really do love you Eren." He stares off into the distance. My heart melts from the words that escape his mouth. 

"And I love you." I squeeze his hand gently. I notice a small smirk appear on his lips as he looks at the floor distantly. 

"Eren you do know that, I might die tomorrow, right?" He stares into my eyes showing me his glossy ones. 

"No you won't" I bite my tongue.

"There is a chance I will. I may be a fanastic warrior but I am still human." My heart aches from hearing this. We remain silent for a few seconds, letting everything sink in. As much as I hate to say it, he may die... But I will try everything to prevent it. 

"Eren, I know this is sudden but...Can we have sex? Just one more time? I want to feel your body against mine for the last time just incase I don't make it tomorrow..." His eyes sparkle from the glossyness of the water in his eyes. I bite my tongue at how he has little hope in surving tomorrow. Bringing my lips into my mouth I nod quickly. The two of stand to our feet, hand in hand we walk back to his room. 

"I want to hear you moan my name one more time." He kisses my neck forcefully as we reach his  room. I bite my bottom lip from feeling his commanding kiss. My knees fall from beneath me as I land on the edge of the bed. My voice gets stuck in my throat as my eyes flutter closed. My mouth wide open and my falling back. My body relaxes as he moves his kisses further down my body. I could feel myself getting harder and harder by the second. I bring my bottom lip between my teeth before slowly bringing it out again. Even though my body was relaxed, my heart was pumping like crazy. I could feel it floating in my stomach as I feel Levi's hand move down towards my member. He pulls away undressing his top half before undressing me. He cradles himself on top of me as he takes in my body. 

"I love you so much." He lightly kisses my chest.

"I love you too." I lift his chin up so I could kiss him properly. It's unbearable to feel these sparks shooting up my body just from one passionate kiss. He removes himself from me as I watch him strip down before ordering me to do the same. I lay back down feeling my cheeks heat up. Is it just me or is the room hotter then before? 

"Remember the first time we did it?"  Levi speaks up smiling childishly. I shake my head at his sillyness before replying with a yes.

"Even though we got off with a rough start that night, we have progressed forward." He grins cheekily.

"We get to have sex one more time. To share a passionate bond." He kisses my cheek. 

"One more time." I whisper throwing my arms around his neck.

He is my everything. He is my soul. He is my life. I would put my life endanger to keep him safe. I don't know what I would do if something happened to him. But what I do know is that we are here, together, sharing this special moment as one. The two of us able to be a single soul. The way he makes me feel when he moves inside of me. The way he moans my name when he feels pleasure. Shivers run up my spine everytime his voice makes contact with my ears. 

I just want him.

I just need him.

One more time.


Weeellll???? what do you guys think????

This is the end of this series but I hope you guys enjoyed it to the max!  - JUST KIDDING! there's an extra in the next page or two hehe ^_^

Hope you guys liked the ending, I myself found it really cuuuttteee!!!!

Leave a comment and a vote!!

A follow would be much appreciated!

I really enjoyed writing this book. It was fun to experiment with what to do with the characters and figure out how to make Levi come out as a real softy and the tough guy act is just a hoax. So I hope you guys had just as much fun reading it as I did writing it. It means heaps to me when you guys leave comments and votes. Thanks for reading!! 


One More Time. *Levi x Eren* (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now