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After art college Ariana and I always go back to my apartment. When she's tired I sometimes give her a piggyback there. She is nice and light and her legs feel soft when I grip them to support her.

I like to tell my best friend jokes and funny life stories, She will always laugh with me all the way home. Her laughter is contagious.

Today as she walked in her laughter stopped. She looks reproachfully at the burnt letters on my table.

"Oh Malcolm." She cooes. Looking at the remanence of all Camilla's poems to me.

"I'm sorry." She looks up at me with watery eyes.

I come over and hug her. She relaxes so naturally into my arms. I stroke her silver hair and hold her tighter.

"I'm not too worried about the letters Ariana." I kiss her forehead in a friendly way. "Camilla's writing was shit anyway." I wink at her. She tries to stifle her laugh but fails..

Ari's POV

He starts to tickle me and when I beg him to stop he throws me on his bed and tackles me.


I squeal and laugh so hard. I hate being tickled but I like how happy it makes him.

I'm the only thing for him in this fucked up world.

Eventually I push the big bear off me and make my way to his kitchenette to find some food.

"That's my Ari." He smiles as he see's me biting at that big ass baguette he left out on the window ledge for some random reason.

My heart flutters once more at how much he cares about me eating.

I leave Malcolm to finish his painting whilst I go to my draw in his bedroom and find my yellow evening dress.

I throw it on and brush through my hair. As I walk back in the other room I pretend not to notice Malcolm gawking at me.

"Here." I throw him his guitar which he catches skilfully.

Every night we perform on the streets of Paris to make extra money.

Tourists often film us, take photos of us. In a way we are sorta famous for our music here in Paris.

I just wish we were famous for our art. But Malcolm always tells me. Music is a form of art.

As we sit outside the Orssay art gallery the old city lights shimmer down on us. It illuminates my dress, the yellow turns gold as I sing my ♡ out to the curious Parisians and amazed tourists.

Sometimes Malcolm sings with me. His voice is rougher but together we sound so perfect as he strums his guitar. Always watching me. 

A little girl dances in front of us. I smile at her and she puts a whopping €40 note in Malcolm's guitar case.

I can't help but laugh. Talk about rich parents. The money comes rolling in from tourists. Tonight it's €120.

This is a new record for us.
We split it €60 each but I take Malcolm out for dinner because I was a shit best friend last night.

We eat on the river and order a large plate and some wine to share.


"Yes Malcolm."

"I have something to tell you."

Suddenly my heart beat begins to get a little faster. But my lip nervously and look into his eyes.

"Okay.." I say nervously.

"He takes my hands in his. I think I lo-"


I squint out to the street where the oh so familiar voice is coming from and my heart sinks.


He looks mad.
And it's justified. He just caught me out on a date with Malcolm McCormick.

He storms over to us and tugs Malcolm up by the shirt collar out of his chair.

"Sean stop!!!" I scream. Literally pushing my little self in between the two men.

"I asked him out!" I explain.


I gulp as he towers over me.


I gasp at the sudden anger. Sean has always been so gentle with me.

Tonight though, I feel like I deserved it.

Sean storms of and I look and Malcolm hopelessly. He holds me as I cry. Even though I have no right to cry.  I've hurt everyone, I've cheated on Sean I've caused my best friend to break up with his girlfriend.

I don't know what to do anymore.

"Baby." Malcolm lifts my chin gently and looks into my eyes. "I'm so so sorry."

"No Malcolm." I say sternly. "I am sorry. I fucked up everything for everyone and Sean is right. Ima slut."

Malcolm doesn't agree. He just holds me. He is the perfect best friend who is always here for me.

"Now Babydoll. Let's finish this food it'd be a shame if it went to waste."

I don't understand why Malcolm still looks at me so lovingly. But we eat, ignoring the stares of shocked witnesses and continuing to talk until he has me laughing again.

What an absolute angel on earth.

I rub my foot gently against his and look through my lashes to see him blush at me. I bite my lip, so over the moon that I have that kind of affect on him.

He looks into my eyes and gently presses my foot back, wanting to play the game and my heart bursts as I wink at him and tease my foot higher up his leg until

Every head turns towards one bloodcurdling scream.

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