Eyes of Prism

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no one knows what lies past eyes of prism
when the day seems gloomy and grey,I see color
The colors dance and play around me,telling me to keep smiling
A beautiful aura fills my soul letting me become brave
No one knows what lies past eyes of prism

I walk with a spring in my step
others see me and they come at me
they come with snarling maws
their sharp words stab at my heart
they call me a freak,a loser, a nobody
No one see what lies past eyes of prism

The words twist in my chest like a knife
they smirk,expecting me to bleed
they want me to wither and die
they want to poison my mind
No one knows what lies past eyes of prism

what they don't know....is me
I stand up
they back up as my wounds heal
I rise like a phoenix,my wings of gold blaze
they shrivel like the weeds they are
they feed off of the pain of others since they can't find peace
they have to rip out the soul and eat it to feel happy
what they don't know, is that they are becoming hollow
they try to kill me with their words but they are actually killing themselves
I will keep rising from the ashes
i will not be afraid
I will keep fighting not caring what they say
No one knows what lies past eyes of prism

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