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Amelia was only four years old when she first experienced a beating. This was Normal for the children as they were punished for the smallest things. Theses things being: accidentally dropping your tray of food, being impolite, swearing, not doing chores to the best standard and not taking your shoes of when coming inside. Amelia did not take her shoes of after playing in the garden on a rainy day one time which led to muddy footprints over the clean, marble floor. They instantly grabbed her by the ear, screamed at hear, and gave her a smack. This was to ensure the children were to be the best of the best, well that was what they would say.

Amelia never quite understood why everything in the orphanage had to be done so perfect. She would sometimes look out the window of her bedroom and see children on the streets holding there mothers or fathers hand. She would see them having teddy bears and toys. Or see them even riding a bike. Just looking like they were having fun. Something Amelia never experienced. She had lots of friends. All being just like her. Abandoned at birth, not knowing who there mothers or fathers were, and if they did, they were dead.

She had one best friend named Emily. She was a tall, skinny girl with long thick mousy brown hair and big blue eyes. She would always wear a red hairband. Amelia and Emily always got along because they were both disliked by Mr Hopper. This meant they would always find new, inventive ways to play pranks on him. One time Emily found a mouse and made it run up Mr Hoppers leg, making it look like and accident of course. They would always be friends as long as nobody adopted one of them.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2017 ⏰

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