Chapter 1- Sarah

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2002, January, senior year...
—Ace Pov—

Finally it was the half way point of the last year of my school days. Many people think I'm cold and mean but really I'm just really anti-social. I was valid Victorian of my school for many years since I had no friends to go out with, I studied. I usually do people's homework for fun since I already learned many things in my free time.

But I was always helping the loveliest girl I've ever met...


She had black curly hair, was always positive, had the face of a god, was smart, part of the student body, and the list goes on.

I was in our shared class at the moment which caused me goosebumps.

"Hey, Ace can you do my class work for me? I have a choir concert later tonight." She said twirling her hair. I wanted so badly to touch her soft face, to kiss those soft lips... what was I saying? She was getting me all worked up over nothing. "Sure Sarah" her voice rolled off my tongue like ice. The only thing was that her and Tammy Montown were really close so it was most likely they were going to preform together. If I finished early I might be able to see them. Tammy was always interested in a guy about a few years older then us. His name was Rob. Rob was a sporty guy who worked for his dad in Thompson Trees and Thompson Painting. Rob always included me in his chats and would often tell crazy stories of riding on a dirt-bike.

Rob and Tammy were almost bound to be together if Tammy hadn't been dating another guy. I couldn't remember his name though.

"Thanks Ace your a life saver! Hey if you finish early would you mind coming to my show? It's at 6 sharp!"

"Of course Sarah. I would like nothing more then to be there supporting you as you rock the world off their feet"

"Aww thats so sweet! Where did you get that pickup line from? Online?"

"Ummm.......... sure"

"Alright just be there six sharp!"

The bell rung and the crowded halls began to swim with students talking and chatting about the stuff that happened in class,

Sarah and I walked to her class side by side and chatted about the songs she would sing tonight in her melodic voice. Once we got there she turned to me and blushed. She gave me a shirt sweet kiss before running into her class.

I stood there in total awe before turning on my heels and walking back with a smile on my face the whole time. Her lips were like a drug and I was already addicted.

They were soft like pillows and I wanted to just kiss them once more before the end of the school year. It was just too much for me to bear alone. Her eyes sparkled a little when she blushed. I remembered. Her face was so calm and relaxed. After the day I rushed home and began our work and finished within two hours, I now had one hour to get ready and show Sarah what I'm really made of.

I started by wearing laid back clothes and placing a little bit of gel in my hair. I had to ride my bike so it would take about half an hour. Just in time!

When I got there I saw Sarah at the front desk but she didn't recognize me since my huge change. I sat in the front row waiting for a show to be placed In front of me with my lovely Sarah as the center of attention.

The show played and Sarah smiled the whole time showing her grin to many. I was kinda jealous of the sparked bit of energy she gave them.

When it ended I waited outside for Sarah, by beauty, my hopes and dreams, my future wife.

She walked out.... hand in hand with a certain dirt-bike rider I know. Rob.

He took MY Sarah's soft hands and pushed her up against a wall close by. He kissed her, sweetly at first and then passionately. My heart shattered and my whole body soon felt empty as I realized what I was to her. I felt a emotion for a slight moment. Rage. It channeled deep inside me growing like bacteria and evolving larger and larger. I walked to the couple and said in a monotone voice "Sarah, is this all I am to you?" Sarah stops from the passion and turns to me. Realizing who I was she quickly pushed Rob off of her and straightened out her clothes. "Ace hold on I was just helping him and Tammy got into a fight-" I didn't want to hear the rest so I blocked it out. She would become my wife if she liked it or not. She accepted me unlike others, she would have to accept this too.

Next on my list was to destroy Rob- no I want him to suffer. I would do it slowly.

Even better. I would kill his first born.

That would give him grief but he could get rid of it by having someone bear another child.

I would kill his last born. I would kidnap her and torture her. I would give her the feeling of hope and tear it away from her. Then I would kill Rob.

How would I get to his daughter though? I would have to just have Sarah bear my children wether she likes it or not.

It would be the Death Of Rob Thompson.

Ace Clark (TDOKT BEFORE)Where stories live. Discover now