Ch.1-Bed of Golden Flowers

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No one's P.O.V.

A young monster ran through the woods to Mount Ebott.  His cheeks were damp. He had cried earlier. 


Sensy was listening to music while he waited for his parents to return from work. He was excited to see them and make them listen to the new song he composed. It took longer than he expected but finally, the doorbell rang. He jumped out of bed and ran to the door. When he opened it, there were two policemen. "Evening sir. You are Sensy. Correct?" they asked him. "Uh. Yeah. That's me. is there a problem?" Sensy asked. "We are sad to inform you that your parents were killed in a car accident...we are sorry for your lost" they informed.  Sensy was in shock. Unable to answer. "Uh...thanks...for telling me..." Sensy shuttered. He closed the door collapsed to the ground.  He cried. The tears wouldn't stop going down. 


Sensy opened his history book and read the passage about Mount Ebott. He learned that whoever climbed the mountain never returned. He decided that it was his turn to disappear. The next day he woke early and ran out his house to Mount Ebott.

-----End of Flashback----

When he finally made it, he looked down and couldn't see the bottom. The sun was rising at the time he reached the top. He turned around and looked at the sunset one more time. Then, the thought of his friends and the other people who cared about him. He finally made his mind and decided to turn back.

Before he was far enough from the hole. Green vines with red spikes grabbed his ankles. Sensy struggled as much as possible but the spikes on the vines started to cut his bones, causing a lot of pain. More tears ran down his cheekbones. More vines grew out the ground grabbing his writs. The pulled so hard the spikes started to pierce through his writs. Until he lost strength and was thrown into the hole. 

As Sensy fell, his life flashed before his eyes. He smiled and let himself fall. Before he hit the ground, giant leaves caught him gently bringing him down. They placed him on a beautiful bed of golden flowers. He smelled them and smiled. There wasn't much light. Yet he could see the surface. He saw so tired. He decided to take a short nap on the bed of golden flowers.

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