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Once upon a time, there lived a very peculiar boy who had a very peculiar family. You see, they were balloon makers--the finest in the world. But the boy had a problem: all his balloons came out sub par, full of holes and rips. One day, the boy met a girl superior to all others and he desired to impress her. However, the only skill he knew was balloon making. He labored long and hard to create the perfect balloon, but it was to no avail. The next time he saw the girl, he burst into tears. "What's wrong?" she asked and the boy looked up through watery lashes. 

"I'm making a balloon for you, but it's not perfect," he replied, embarrassed that he had been caught crying. 

"Nonsense," she said and took him by the arm. "Come, let's go on a trip." So they took his balloon on its maiden voyage. As they were travelling, they reached a point of powerful wind, knocking the balloon on it's side. They fell from the air and as they did, they boy took the girl in his arms to protect her. When they reached the ground, the balloon was fully of holds. "It must be patched," the girl said and they labored long into the night. When it was finished, they took flight, rising with the sun. 


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