Julian raised an eyebrow and shook his head. "So weird." He mumbled to himself as he walked towards the counter to get their orders.

After a few minutes he returned and handed her the drink, sitting down across from her and picking up some sugar to add to his own coffee.

Julian took a sip than sighed, taking off his sunglasses to reveal his dark blue eyes. "Look, I'm going to assume you don't wanna do this as much as I don't." Layla nodded her head and he continued. "What were you told about why I was doing it?" Julian asked curiously as he looked at her and sipped his coffee casually.

Layla was confused, not thinking there was anything else he could get out of this other than higher record sales. "That you needed higher sales."

Julian snorted softly shaking his head and huffing softly. "Of course he wouldn't really talk about why I'm doing this," he mumbled softly to himself.

Layla heard him though. "Huh?" She said even more confused than before. "Why else would you need a fake relationship?" Layla asked with a small laugh.

Julian gave her a smile and tilted his head. "Hmm, you seem like a pretty smart person, I'm sure you can put it together pretty quick." "Beautiful model gets with singer who has never really dated in the public eye before."

Layla still didn't really know what he meant by it. It was until a few minutes later that it clicked in her head. "Oh." She said startled and looked at him. "You're gay?" Layla said softly.

Julian laughed at her soft tone and nodded his head. "Yep, I don't see it as a big deal, but apparently my industry does." "So, the higher ups got the brilliant idea to make me seem as straight as possible and pair me up with a very beautiful girl such as yourself, so there would be no rumors of me being possibly gay."

Layla felt really bad for having to do this now. "I'm really sorry you have to fake who you are." She said reaching across and resting her hand comfortingly on his. "It must be awful to have to act like you're a completely different person than you really are."

Julian looked at her surprised with how much she felt sorry for him, but then gave her a warm smile. "I think we're going to get along better than I thought."

Layla returned his smile with one of her own.

"I think we will too."


Layla snapped out of her memories and looked up to see Julian and Nova waiting for her in the entrance.

"Are you coming?" Julian asked tilting his head and holding out his hand to her.

Layla walked up to him and took his hand in hers giving a small laugh. "Of course, lets go."

The group all walked into the church and immediately hushed up, it was just the atmosphere of being inside the place. It was silent enough that a pen could be dropped and heard.

Nova turned off his flash so he wouldn't disturb anyone as he took some pictures of the stained glass windows. He always found that sort of stuff very beautiful. Nova knew how much time and effort went into the process of making each pane so he had great respect for people who made them.

"Why don't you two walk up to the altar and I'll take your picture." Nova said very softly to Julian, but still loud enough so he would be able to hear him.

Julian nodded his head and walked with Layla up the aisle towards the altar, both of them admiring its beauty.

Nova followed behind them slowly and stopped a few feet away from them so he wouldn't be taking the picture to close. He lifted his camera and took a picture of the 'couple' holding hands and standing with their back to him looking at the altar.

Photographing Love (BxB) (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now