Nova closed his eyes and it's like he could feel Jack's foot kicking into his stomach.

Julian watched as he rested a hand over his stomach and opened his eyes. "I never want them to be near each other alone, make sure Nate knows that as well," Julian said looking over to Mark.

Mark nodded his head and looked at Nova. He didn't know what happen between Jack and Nova, but judging by his reaction, it wasn't good. "I will," he held out his arm. "Come on Nova, lets get you out in the audience."

Nova looked up at Mark with a bit surprise but didn't hesitate to walk over towards Mark only to be stopped by Julian. He turned just in time to have him press his lips against Nova's.

Julian heard Nova gasp lightly at the passion he had put behind the kiss and reluctantly pulled away. He kissed his forehead gently and murmured, "I love you."

Jack frowned at the sound of Julian saying he loved Nova, and he felt even more anger when he heard Nova whisper. "I love you," back to Julian.

Mark the put an arm around Nova's shoulder and guided him out of the room.

Julian glared at Jack and walked back over to Cassie and sat down. Cassie cleared her throat again and said, "Jack why don't you go through the clothes I brought and pick out the ones that go best together."

"No problem," Jack said walking onto to rack Cassie had placed on the back wall.

"Gonna purposefully pick out ugly clothes for me," Julian said as Cassie brushed some concealer over his skin.

Jack snorted, "please, I take pride in what I do."

"I thought you were a painter?"

Jack smiled to himself as he looked through the clothes. "So he did tell you about me."

"Don't flatter yourself," Julian said as Cassie just gave him a look that said to calm down. He just let out a breath and stared in the mirror at himself. "He told me what you did."

Jack hummed softly as he picked out a shirt and hung it on the empty rack next to him. "I don't think what I did was that bad. I mean, he seems perfectly fine now. He has you doesn't he?," Jack asked looking at him raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, he does have me," Julian said firmly. "He always will."

"I wouldn't be so quick to think that. Nova can be a handful," Jack said walking over and setting the clothes in front of Julian.

"And who made him that way," Julian said glaring at Jack who just smiled charmingly.

"Not my fault he couldn't handle me," Jack walked out of the room and Julian just glared at the back of his head as he left.

"Do I want to know what happened?," Cassie asked starting on his hair.

"It's not mine to tell," Julian said letting out a sigh.

He wanted Jack gone as soon as possible, but with those pictures he couldn't do anything.

Nova made sure that the collar of his shirt was completely covering his neck like Mark had told him to do. His mind was still racing from seeing Jack, but he tried to do everything he could to push the thoughts of him to the back of his mind.

If he didn't Nova would have another attack in the middle of Julian's concert.

Mark had made sure to give strict instructions to Nate to never leave Nova's side. Nate agreed, still feeling bad about leaving him alone in the museum.

So now Nova was just standing in the audience panning his camera around as the crowd waved and screamed at him. Having earplugs in allowed him to take all the screaming and he let a small smile come over his lips, waving back at them.

Photographing Love (BxB) (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now