Note One

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The day I first started talking to you I had never had a real internet friend. I was afraid. Even if I said I wanted an internet friend, when I got one, I didn't anymore.

I was driving to my friends to get a stray snake, that was when we had our first full conversation and I got to see what you looked like. I was listening to One Directions cover of Chasing Cars on repeat, wearing my blue beats. I specifically remember how hot it was that day.

Being in the one direction fandom has brought me many great things; I now have a bunch of amazing supportive people, I am happy and smiling, I have helped five live their dream, but my favorite? Being in this fandom brought me you. Being in this fandom brought me a best friend I wouldn't trade the world for.

Katelyn, you are one of the most beautiful, funny, caring, smart, and amazing people I'll ever met. I'm not usually thankful for many people, and I don't like getting close to people because I lose them, but I am thankful for you. And I look at you, I look at you and I see someone I want in my life forever. This kind of friendship doesn't end, that spark doesn't fade. It remains. No matter what we go through.

I cannot fathom that I got you as my best friend. I got lucky when I met Kya, knowing she'd be in my life forever. And normally people don't get that. But somehow I managed to get two. I got two amazing people to be in my life forever. And that makes me forever lucky.

If you meet someone, and you instantly connect, if you two feel like you've known each other as long as a lifetime, you probably have. Your souls have met, they were destined to met, in this life, in the last life, and every life after that. No matter what. Because that person plays a role in your life. They take part of changing you. And you're one of those people.

I have no doubt on my mind I was meant to meet you. I believe with every atom in my being that I would've crossed paths with you in this lifetime no matter what. Even if I never started liking One Direction or shipping larry.

So, yeah, I hate long distance. But for you I'm willing to wait to meet you. Because I know that you'll never stop caring. I know that we were meant to know each other. To matter to each other.

I am forever grateful and thankful for you. I love you more than life can explain. More than I can even fathom. Thank you for caring. Thank you for being there. Thank you for being yourself.

Forever your best friend,



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