Big Boots

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Not that I didn't know, but never in my life have I heard about ' Noah Schnapps'.
So, I began to search for his name.
Noah, Noah, Noah. I kept repeating his name.
Ah hah!

Stranger things? I thought for a second.
No way!
How was I so blind?
I stared in outer space for a long period of time.
I didn't say anything, my mouth was in awe.
Noah Schnapp gave me his phone number? What?
I covered my mouth.
Then suddenly...*BEEP BEEP*
I looked over my phone.

My head spun. My stomach Churned! I-I what!
Y/N: MUM!!!!
Mum: what's Wrong sweetie?
Y/N: I got the part!
Mum: What! You-You did?
Y/N: Yes!
We hugged each other. My Mum was the bravest and fiercest women I'd ever known. My father is in the army, he'll be pleased to hear this: coming from his little pumpkin butter. We both laughed.
Mum: Sweetie, I am so proud of you. I-I don't know what to say. *she wiped her tears*
Y/N: thank you.

Later that day
I texted Noah.

: Hey. It's me Y/N
Of course, I didn't expect him to answer me at that moment. But, he did!

Noah: Hi!
Y/N: Guess what?
Noah: Umm. You got the role?!
Y/N: How did you know?
Noah: the producers told me.
Y/N: well, way to Burst my bubble.
Noah: sorry.
Y/N: No need.
We continued chatting, about random things. It was quite stupid, but I enjoyed it very much. He even told me his WomenCrushWednesday was Kate Upton. I laughed at the fact that Kate Upton was way older than him, but he reminded me that age didn't matter.

Next day

Today was Saturday. The cast was supposed to be meeting up at a fancy restaurant. Mum insisted me to wear a red dress with black boots. Of course, I didn't agree with her fashion style. Instead I wore a checkered long sleeve tucked in with a red skirt and tights. Boots for shoes and a necklace to sparkle things up.

I entered the building. I could see the producers and the rest of the cast sitting on a round table flooded with drinks and starters.
I waved at them. Noah stood from his chair and came towards me.
Noah: Hi.
Y/N: Hey!
Noah: Want me to introduce you to the cast?
Y/N: sure?
I was nervous. Very nervous. My palms were sweating and my forehead began to drool with sweat.
Noah opened his mouth : This is Millie. Also known as Millsters!
Y/N: Pleasure to meet you.
Millie: Hello there. *her accent was really traumatising*
I shook her hand and she whispered at Noah ' nice catch you got there '
I heard. My face went bright red.
I heard him mutter ' shut up'
Noah: Here we have Finn and Caleb!
Finn: hey!
Caleb: Hi.
Finn: You must be playing as Noah's Girlfriend
Y/N: W-what? That must be wrong? Im playing his BEST friend.
Caleb: Shame.
Then there was Gaten.
Gaten: Hey.
Y/N: Hello.
Gaten: Is this your--
Noah: Best friend. She'll be playing my best friend.
Noah circled away and asked me if I wanted any drinks.
Noah: Pepsi? Coke?
Y/N: No thanks.
Noah: so, you don't drink fizzy drinks?
Y/N: well, I do. But I'm not in the mood.
Noah: oh? Alright...
We both sat down in the far end of the table. We watched people dozing from left to right. Noah began voicing the producers who were standing far behind us.
Y/N : you better stop.
I chuckled.
Noah: why?
He grinned, as if I should join too.
We waited. Again. But this time, he looked at me.
I wanted to look away. It was weird. That feeling. What is it?
I looked at him.
He moved his head to ground.
Noah: nice boots!
Y/N: thanks.
Noah: nice skirt.
Y/N: Thanks? Are you just going to compliment my Style of fashion?
Noah: Sorry. I just don't know how to compliment a girl very well.
Y/N: Easy. I'll teach you.
He looked at me quite unsure.

-Noah's P.O.V-

Why did she look at me like that?
Whatever trick she is doing, it's certainly working.
W-what is she doing?

Y/N: Look, if you want to compliment any girl, just be honest.
Noah: Like... If a girl has boogers flying on her nose.
We both laughed. We exchanged looks.
Y/N: No, I meant--Wait! Do I have boogers on my nose?
Noah laughed.
Noah: No. I just wanted to see you panic a bit.
Y/N: Noah!
I went red. My eyes watering with embarrassment.
Noah: Sorry. Carry on.
Y/N: What I really meant was, a NICE and HONEST compliment.
He nodded.
Y/N: For example, what do you think of Millie? What's the first word you would think of?
Noah: Pretty.
Y/N: I agree. Isn't she a model?
Noah: yeah. I should be a model too. I have the 'looks' don't I?
I grinned at him.
Y/N: Sure?
Noah: Wanna' know the first word that pops in my head when I think of you?
Y/N: What?
Noah: Different.
Y/N: well, Thanks! ( I said sarcastically)
Noah: good Kind of different though.
We looked at each other. Then we began laughing hysterically, that everyone in the table turned to look at us.
Then Finn came over.
Finn: You two love birds, alright?
Noah: Well, we were, before you came here.
Finns mouth opened to form a shape of an O.
Noah: Just kidding Finn.
Y/N: And we aren't love birds.
Finn gave us a distinct look.
Noah Agreed.
Noah: Yeah, I mean we're only friends.
I saw Noah's face drop again.
Finn: if You two are just ' friends', then tell me Noah, would you mind if I asked your lovely 'friend' to dance?
Noah didn't say a word. In the end, he shrugged it off and smiled wearily.
Noah: sure. You both can dance. Fine by me.
Finn held out his hand as if he were to ask me for my hand.
I took his hands, and he led me in the middle of the restaurant.
We both danced with the music. The music was fast and up-beat. He twirled me and I began to feel dizzy.
The crew began whooping.
They joined us too. The thrill and excitement...except for Noah.
He sat there, alone. His face pointed at the ground and his head resting on his hand. He looked miserable. I left Finn dancing with Gaten and Millie. I headed towards Noah.

Y/N: Are you alright? The crew is dancing and I see you here, sitting alon---
Noah: I'm fine. Just a stomach ache.
He kept his head transfixed on the ground.
Y/N: Want me to stay with you? If you don't, I could leave you to give you some peace and quiet.
Noah: No-- you can go, if you want.
Y/N: Want me to stay?
Noah: S-sure
His voice felt like it was going to crack.
But we just sat there. Again. I said nothing. He said nothing. We were mute.
Then Noah faced me with a hurt expression.
Noah: Umm. I have a friend-- who likes this person. But he's not sure if he should tell her. He's not quite sure. He's scared that if he tells her then, he would be rejected. But if he doesn't tell her, then maybe someone else would take her.
Y/N: well, tell your friend to listen to his heart. What that means is what he feels is right that will both benefit him and this 'person'.
Noah: t-thanks.
He shuffled.
This time, I was the one who stared into his eyes.
Noah: what's the matter?
Y/N: you have really nice eyes.
Noah blushed.
Noah: thanks...
I laughed at him.
Y/N: Oh Mr.Schnapps.
Noah: what?
I chuckled.

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