Chapter 2

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We just sat there in silence as Harry drove. It was kind of a comfortable silence. The silence helped me relax and think. Why was I here? Why am I in his car? He might not take me to my apartment. He might take me to somewhere weird and creepy. No, he won't do that. What am I even thinking?

All this thoughts make my brain hurt. I just want to sleep for a million years.

"Is this it?" Harry asked looking at me.

"Uh, yeah this is it." I was about to open the cardoor but Harry beat me to it. He opened the car door for me which was quite nice but I still don't know him.

"Thanks Harry." I said walking in the old looking building.

I was walking down the empty hall to the lift but then I heard footstep following me. I stopped and spun around. I was face to face with Harry. We were only inches apart.

I gulped and stepped back. "Y-you can go now Harry." I waved my hand and began to walk towards the lift again but I still heard Harry's footsteps. I stopped again and faced him with an annoyed expression.

"I said you can go now. Bye." I said.

"Let me just take you to your room." He said.

"No. I can go on my own Harry. I'm not 5." I rolled my eyes.

"Just- please?" He pleaded. Cute.

I sighed. I didn't want Harry to see my cheap, small apartment room because 1.) He's rich and 2.) He might judge. But I gave in. "Okay fine but just don't go in my room. And don't judge me."

Together, we walked in the lift together, again, not saying a word. Our hands occasionally brushing each other. And I felt myself blush a little. A little.

The lift dinged and we both got out. Me, rushing ahead so that I get to be in the lead and not let Harry get lost.

I reached my apartment door. "Well here we are youcangonow." I rushed.

"You're so in a rush. You hiding something." Yeah, my poorness. You might judge me.

"No. I'm just don't want people going in my room so byenow." I quickly opened my room door. I closed it as fast as I can but Harry was faster. He managed to keep the door open .

I gave up because obviously he already saw my small apartment room so he obviously can't unsee it.

"So, this is your room?" He said.

I hung my head low and nodded. "Yeah." I said lowly. "I know your rich and I'm not so you don't have to silently judge me you know."

"I wasn't judging you." He said.

"It looks like it."

"Well, I'm not okay. I think its cool." He stuffed hus hands in his pockets while looking around my clean but small and cheap apartment.

"How," I said. "Is this cool?"

"Because you have this apartment all by yourself. And like, you can do anything you want without anybody annoyingly asking how you are or what you need every 5 seconds." He said in a bitter tone.

"I'm guessing thats how your life is." I scoffed.

"Yeah." He said looking at me as I was arranging my closet.

"It must be nice living in a life like that." I said as I picked out my sweats and a white shirt that says 'heeeey'.

"Nah. It sucks. I prefer your life. Hard but free." He said.

"Trust me, you'll never want to be in my position right now." I said. "I'm gonna go change." I pointed to the bathroom and got in.

When I got out of the bathroom, I see Harry pacing back and forth, talking to someone over the phone. Once he saw me he quickly said goodbye to whoever was on the other line and hung up.

"I..gotta go." Harry said. I kinda was relieved yet a little dissapointed that he had to leave so soon.

"Oh, okay. Bye." I waved.

"See you some other time, yeah?" He asked.

"Sure." I smiled.

"Bye." He waved and smiled. Then he closed the door and left.

Finally, I can have my sleep. I searched for my phone in the pocket of my jeans but it was gone. Maybe its in the bathroom.

I searched for it there but it wasn't there. Shit where could it be? Then I realized, could it be in Harry's car

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2014 ⏰

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