Part 2

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In the end I only slept half an hour. I was caught up in my thoughts as I stood up in the morning. I took a shower and put on a grey sweater with black ripped skinny jeans.


This time I arrived on time to art class fand sat down in my seat. After the class was filled Mr. Way started to speak

"so, today we will start a new project. Please draw a place or person or something else. Everything you draw is alright as long it is something you love. Show me the passion you have for the things you love" he smiled at us and everyone began to draw.

I just began to draw without thinking and somehow it turned into a blade. The blade I cut myself with. "shit " I quietly said to myself before I threw the paper away. I started from the beginning but this time I knew hat I wanted to draw. Pansy. My guitar. She helps me calm down. And I love music.

"nice drawing" Mr.Way startled me when he stood behind me leaning over my shoulder to get a better look at my picture. My heart began to beat faster and all I got out was a tiny thanks.

"is it yours?" he asked

"y-yeah" I stuttered and he moved to the next person.

I was still freaking out about Mr. Way talking to me so casual. Even though my drawing skills are crappy you could still tell that it was a guitar.

I only took art because it seemed to be the best option at that time and I really begin to enjoy art now. Now that I have a new toy with which I can play. I nearly smirked but was able to hold myself back.

Sadly the period ended and I had to leave. I wanted to be a dick towards him today but I was too tired to even move but I had to.
I slowly put my pencils away before I was about to walk out of the room only to be stopped by Mr. Way.

"would you play for me sometime? " he was excited.

"I'm not that good" I replied

"that's for me to decide" he smirked and I then got into the mood to kiss him so I did. I closed the distance between us before I grabbed him by his collar and pulled him down to kiss me.

He looked shocked and didn't kiss me back. I soon let go, took my bag, and ran away. God, why was I so stupid. Of course he doesn't want to to kiss an disgusting kid like me. I hate myself.

I ran out of school while I continued to snap my rubber band against my already sore skin. This way I'll definitely get thrown out of school.

I was at the gate to exit the school when I stopped. I still had to attend other classes....Fuck it. I'm not going. When have I ever cared about school.

I continued my walk home snapping the rubber band continually against my wrist drawing blood. It was burning and hurting like hell but I didn't stop. I soon arrived at home.

I ran upstairs grabbing a little blade from my pocket. I looked the bathroom door behind me not soon after cutting deep into my skin. My tears began to fall but the first cut didn't draw any blood. I cut deeper and this time the blood drops slowly formed before turning to big ones. I slid the blade over my skin again and again letting it dance over my skin. It hurt so bad and more tears began to fall.

After a few minutes of silence I washed the blood off of my arm smiling. My head was free and my body relaxed.

I threw myself down onto my bed falling asleep for a few hours but waking up again soon after.

My body ached and my stomach was rumbling and begging for food but I ignored it because I was falling into a deep and dark pith of depression again. It's only 2am and I'm  awake.

Why can't they just let me die?

Eventually I did stand up and grabbed an apple from downstairs. The rest of the night I stayed awake thinking about my stupidy of kissing my fucking art teacher.
I really wanted to know what he was thinking.


I did my usual morning routine of showering and getting dressed again and walked to school. Everybody was still ignoring me or bullying a bit but it didn't go further than the bathroom incident it didn't go.


When it was time for art Iwas scared of going inside but I did. I slipped in with one of the last ones and sat down in my seat. Mr. Way looked worried. He probably doesn't want to see me cause I'm better off dead. I zoned out until I heard a yell. I looked up only to see Mr. Way standing in front of me.

"Mr. Iero" he yells

"what do you want? Do you like me so much you want to talk to me more? " I smiled at him cockily. I decided that I will be my usual self and flirt with him.

"No. But I will have to. Detention" he said and I sighed. Fuck. I didn't mean for that to happen. Sure i can see him but I hate detention. I only wanted to tease him. Not another Chance to fuck up.

"Go on with your assignment from yesterday." He ordered in a way that turned me on. I actually continued to work on it for the remaining 10 minutes.

I quickly escaped the room and made my way to 5th period. After I exited 6th period at the end of the day I reluctantly made my way to Mr.Way

I waited until no students were left before I entered his classroom. I sat down at one of the desks in the front row and watched Mr. Way write something down. I watched him put his pen down before he stood up and locked the door which was completely made out of wood.

In that moment I felt a wave of panic shoot through me.  My heart pounded harder and harder as he made his way to me.

"M-Mr.Way?" I questioned his actions and my mind going shy again.

"Just be quiet" he whispered as he leaned down to kiss me. But unlike the last time both of us were kissing and moving our lips.

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