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Abigail Rose was born on May 12th in the year 1999. She was born part angel from her Mother Harmony. Her Father Haiden was only a mortal. Abigail's parents were a bit too young to have a child and struggled to make the decision whether or not to keep her but after a day or two of thinking, they decided to keep her. Almost a year later on March 19th, 2000 Abigail's little brother Zachery Red Deluxe was born. (Deluxe is their parent's last name but Abigail never got that last name instead her birth name was only Abigail Rose.) Abigail and Zachery grew up to be really close to each other. As Abigail reached the age of 6, her parents started to drink and when they were drunk they were very angry people. One small noise out of Abigail or Zachery and they'd both get beaten When Abigail started school she got teased. A LOT. After a full day of school, getting teased, laughed at and such she would only come home to get beaten. There was no such thing as a safe place for her at this age.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2017 ⏰

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