Chapter 1

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As I layed on my back, staring up into to night sky, I was perfectly happy. My amazing boyfriend was laying next to me, the sky was clear, and it was summer break. We were just two kids in love with not a care in the world.

"Hey Kurt?" Blaine asked, his voice sounding far away, sort of groggy.
"Hmm?" I mumbled. I flipped over onto my stomach to look at him. His dark curls framed his face perfectly and his eyes shined even in the dark.

"Do you, do you think we'll last?" Blaine asked me.

I didn't know what to say. We had only been dating for 4 months, why was he asking me this already? I mean, yes, I love him. I love him so much. And I want us to last. To get married. To live together. To maybe adopt some kids. To grow old and die together. But were we ready for that type of commitment yet? I'm only 17, and Blaine's 16!

I realized then that I still haven't answered Blaine. His eyes were serious now, his head propped up on his hand, staring at me.

I cleared my throat. "Yeah, yeah I would like that." I said finally, trying to stop my voice from wavering.

Blaine grinned. "Great." He said, suddenly sitting up. I looked at him out of the corner of my eye. Blaine was wearing his red pants, the ones that stop just above the ankle. I liked those pants. He also had on a striped black and white t-shirt. I noticed he had left the top button unbuttoned.

I sat up and moved so that I was next to him. He leaned over, laying his head on my shoulder. I loved when he did that. I put my arm around him and we stared into the night together.

I tried not to think about the question Blaine had asked me. About the commitment I had made. Of course, trying to not think about it made me think about it. Why did I say yes? Why didn't I just tell him I didn't know yet? Blaine would have understood. That's one of the things I love about him, he's patient. He lets me be me. He understands. Pretty soon I was lost in my own thoughts.

Blaine snored softly against my shoulder. His breath was warm on my neck, his round face peaceful. I was a slightly uncomfortable position, but I didn't want to disturb him. I slowly peeled my arm off him, trying my best to not wake him. Still, his eyes fluttered open.

"Sorry," I whispered.

"Mmm. It's ok." He murmured, his voice soft and sweet. He sat up then and turned to face me.

"Kurt?" He asked, his curls a little frazzled and his eyes still sleepy.

"Yeah?" My heart started beating a little faster. What if he asked me another question about our future? I didn't think I could handle another question like that, not tonight at least.

"I'm sorry. For asking you if you thought we would last. I just... I'm so in love with you. You're the first person who's ever really just let me be me. Who's never questioned me. Who never told me 16 year old guys shouldn't be singing Katy Perry. Who never told me that red ankle pants aren't in style anymore."

I chuckled lightly.

"You never, ever told me any of that. Or that I can't do something, be something, love something. And because of that, Kurt, I love you. And I really just want to keep loving you forever. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. But I know that you, you may not be ready for that. And so I'll wait. And we'll take this slow, and, and, and then we'll see."

I smiled at Blaine, tears starting to form in my eyes. He was just so incredible. He was looking up at me with his big, sweet, not-green-not-blue-not-brown-but-some-amazing-color-in-between puppy dog eyes. I could tell he expected me to say something, but I had nothing to say. There was absolutely nothing that could top what he had said.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2019 ⏰

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