Chapter 2

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I got into my small honda and thought about Gabe's emerald eyes that caught mine. My heart bolted at an unsteady pace, like a steady rain that went south, real fast. I rolled my eyes, I was being so dumb, I mean after all, why would Gabe Wildman, of all guys liked me. He was the team's best wrestler and quarterback. But he wasn't the "stereotypical" jock that you would think of.
Gabe Wildman was something else. He was so cute, and managed to still have such a kind heart. I mean, he talked to me casually, but that smile, I swear an eternity passed ad I sat in my car JUST thinking about him. And then I convinced myself that there had to be a reason that he was staring at me. Right? Omg was lipstick on my teeth, or was there toilet paper on the bottom of my shoe?" My mind boiled over with ideas why he was staring at me, but the silence broke when my phone began to vibrate. *Bzzzzzz...*

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