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 Im awake? Oh wait yes! Of course i am although i do seem to have uniform on me, the skirt fastened tight as well as my black thin hair. I must be at Junior Lakes High School ,back again!

Nonetheless, i still have to stare at the face of Mrs Angirith with agony dying to just go out her class, and into the toilets waiting until home time. primarily

With her crooked misplaced wrinkles and her awfully never-cut ridged fingernails that whenever she wrote on the whiteboard the echo from the scratching would always scar the classes ears especially mine no doubt.

Her eyes were always detecting for 'naughty scavengers' she used to name them God forbid you could talk in there or you would be shouted at. her voice as loud as her inner demon. Her lipstick was smudged all over the lining of her lips old and flakey too. No one would even dare to take a deep breath that's how grim the silence was. But me oh no my feelings had no choice but to evacuate from my mouth just a little whisper through a controlled one aswell, whilst the old hags back was briskly turned.

I simperd dead silent.

But the one sentence that catches me annoyingly that whimpers out her mouth is 'the more work the smarter, the less the dumber'. Her croaking voice, petrified me.

I walk over to the field to be greeted by an unknown voice it was Tyrese

Waving at me with joy "i haven't seen you in weeks, oh i'm so glad your back, Kiato!" her tone imprinted with felicity, she dragged me with all her strength making my hairs rise up with adrenaline.

"Hey! Tyrese, look i know i have been unfortunately absent the past few days but there's no need to fling me across!"

I finish my sentence but i'm already upon my other great friends i stumble with a stuttering hello. Kaylee, mia and connor mostly kaylee and mia address a warm welcome back to my heart, i rise up with a smile and comfort them back with a "it's wonderful to see all of you!"

We all have a friendship cuddle all of us cheering with pride. Connor his arms shrugged in the piercing wind, he represents a chilling moody frown on his face

"What's wrong?" i ask him concerningly he isn't one of the most fortunate people to be honest, his house only recently got robbed causing him to miss out on spectaculaur lunches and snacks, however being the altruistic friend i am i always split my lunch and snacks, to benefit him having to battle with hunger.he shrugs at me also giving me a look of a sprouting happiness that he soon lets out with a chuckling grin.

"Alright come here, Kiato you little pot of joy you, it's absolutely fantastic to have you back, once again, now i won't have to start begging for the last slice of pizza!"

He takes part in the huddle and squeezes me so tightly i'm gasping for breath he knows when i blurt out "S-same t-to you!"

He finally lets me go and breathe. his face with a worrying smile i already forgive him it was his excitement that was only grabbing on to me.

As my mouth opening to execute a relief to connor,unanticipatedly

i feel a barging movement colliding onto my frail spine. It was kaylee

I trip and fall to the ground scoring my knee

"Oww!" the pain coats over my voice, luckily mia is there to give me a hand of hope,she lifts me up with a strong composure

"here you go" she softly raps me with a blanket of kindness, as i get up from the injury.


"Don't mention it!" i can pick up the babiling noise from Kaylee behind me repetitively screeching on about how she 'magnificently' paid a whole lunch for him yesterday i evaded it and started to chat to Tyrese and Mia.

The irritating signal for lesson time began to ring we broke up into fours

Since that's how our classes were placed i was with mai and Tyrese was with Kaylee, however Connor needed special needs so he was placed in a small little group of special needs people.

Lunch was great! But my fears ripped through reality and i had to agonisingly use contact with Mrs Angirith! 

2 WORLDS OF WONDERजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें