laksh impressed by ragini

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Sanlak looked swara sadly then patted her shoulder...

I am impressed ( laksh mind voice )
His mbl rangs... Ap asked laksh to come home soon... So the trio left college... Here raginii collect her luggage nd arranged everything in her room... She is having an habit to write diary...

She wrote about lak,san,swa  friendship their masthi... 

Tdy I am really very happy maa ...i got my friend back ...likewise i got two new friends too... They are really very kind feeling blissed today...

Soon she dozed off 

On the another side

Laksh walking here nd there...he dont knew y often ragini face is flashing on his mind... 

Her beautifull can able to won everyone heart ...

Her pretty eyes which was having magnetic  it can dragg anyone soon to her...

Morethan that her character quite impressive 😍😍...

Rare to find this types of girlz today... Laksh smiled....

Dont know why something is disturbing me may be swara words ....Is kavya friends hurt her or not ? He losted in his this he didnt noticed swasan group chat..

Next day :

Laksh getting ready for clg...he bid bye to ap nd came out from MM

Swasan waiting for him outside in car ...laksh said gd mrg guyz...
Swasan looked each other nd gets down from car nd walked straightly to him... Laksh looking them confusedly... What

Have a bad morning by saying this they strarts to beat him...arrey stop yrr what r u dg ?

They stopped nd glared him  oii y dont u picked group call yesterday..
What group call ? When did you called me he questioned to them ?

Check your phone man... Swara said...he checked it nd opend his mouth in oval shape sry i didnt noticed ...

Oh really where were you losted yourself  yesterday without noticing it ? Laksh remaind abt raginii.... Nd changed the topic hey nothing yrr my phone was in silent mode thats y i didnt noticed it .. He asked sry to them...nd gets inside car...trio moved to the clg...

In clg :

Sanlak sitting in garden bench which was fav spot to them ...they were talking about random topics...girls were sitting opposite to them nd staring that handsome boys without blinking...

Kavya nd kavitha reached there nd glared those girls angrily 😡😡 they scared nd leave place for them nd left from there in frustration...

Kavya looking laksh nd kavitha looking sanskar.... Sanlak noticed them nd said god why did these girls were not allowing us to go anywhere freely... I cant able to digest their look sanskar said to laksh...

But laksh who losted in somewhere ...hoii lucky i am speaking to u he shaked his shoulder haan what did you said sanskar  ... Wr were you losted again man ?

Nothing he smiled... I was talking about those girls kaviya kavitha...

Sansky why did you paying attention to them dont mind them... Ok wr is devil

She went to take ragini here... Really laksh smiled unknowingly...
Haan sanskar replied while looking laksh confusedly...

Sanskar signald laksh to something he looked back....

Laksh face turns to thousand volt bulb nd turns back smilingly...kavya blushed kavitha look at him..he is staring me nd smiling towards me......

But laksh gaze is on our pretty ragini who is coming opposite towards him with swara.... While found laksh staring ragini not kavya her smile vanished nd its turns to jealous

soulmate 😍 (complete ) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن