the diminishing of light

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Mudblood. M U D B L O O D.

The word, in a twisted demented sense almost seemed beautiful. Almost.  This.. word had crafted her. It's taken away every right, every basic human right away from her. It had taken away her freedom of speech, freedom of thought, freedom of opinion and made her nothing more then a shadow of who she had the potential to be.

She knew, as did everyone else, that this word prevented her from being the witch she could be. She could be powerful, she could be great. She could bring the wizarding world down to it's knees, if she so wished. Yet, she couldn't.

This word, and the people who spoke it prevented her from doing so.

This word, it shackled her in chains and bound her magical core. This word, it restrained her.

She was a mudblood.

A muggle-born witch that had the power, the potential, to be great. Yet, that word, made her dirt. It made her... Nothing. Nothing but a witch tainted.


"No." The world fell from rosy lips, cold in it's tone and her eyes remained leveled. Dark, unforgiving eyes that did nothing but anger the man opposite of her. Her wand remained pointed between his eyes.

"NO? NO! YOU DARE DEFY ME, DEFY YOUR BETTERS," The chains gave a sickening rattle as the man, the poor man, struggled against the cold metal chains attached to stone wall. The brunettes head cocked curiously. "YOU FILTHY, SICK DEMENTED MUDBLOOD. YOU'LL PAY. YOU WILL PAY!" 

"Betters?" The mudblood inquired in a mock innocent tone. "Why I know of no such thing. Only of purebred men, with..dicks hanging between their thighs, with them believing such a thing entitles them to-." There was a pause, in which she carefully formulated her sentence. "Power. Money. Women. Fortune."

There was a snort from the man.
"Everything you'll never ever even dream of having. Why? Because you're a MUDBLOOD!"

Her eyes hardened and she approached the blonde man, her wand gripped so tightly between her fingertips she was surprised it hadn't yet snapped. The sounds of her boots hitting the ground echoed throughout the otherwise silent room and she paused; watching the man twitch in anticipation. Cocking an eyebrow, she felt almost as if she had been challenged when he lifted his blue eyes to stare unafraid into her brown ones.

She wanted him to hurt. Closing the distance between them, her wand dug painfully into his neck. A muttered spell forced his head back, baring his neck to her. She cocked an eyebrow at the man's angry grunt.

"You say you are better then me, yet here you are beneath my wand, at my mercy. Beneath me."

"You'll never be half as pure as I. You're tainted; dirt courses through your veins. You. Are. Disgusting. An abomination ever since the day you were born."

Fire pooled into brown orbs and Hermione felt herself become angry. Very very angry.

The sound of flesh meeting flesh echoed throughout the otherwise silent chamber. Hermione shook her hand, her fist stinging slightly as she raised herself from her crouched position in front of the man. She stared at him for a moment, and almost pitied him. For a second she thought of sparing him.

He spat out blood at her feet.

Glaring in distaste at the blood that coated her once favorite Doc Martin's, she cracked her neck with a hungry look in her eyes. A deep breath and the look disappeared.

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