Chapter 1:Going to One Direction's Concert

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  • Dedicated to to anyone who loves one direction

Still Tari's P.O.V

Today I was going to be One Direction's concert. It's going to fun. But first I got to go to my classes. First class is math. Math is a boring class. And I saw Harry and Niall looking at me when I sat down. Second class is Spanish. Spanish is an awesome class. I saw another boy looking at me.

"Hey baby" he said.

"Hello" I said. He was wearing a black shirt and black boots and jeans.

"My name is Zayn"he said with a British accent.

"My name is Tari"I said.

"You are so cute"he said.

"Thanks"I said.

The next class was science. The teacher assigned seats I sat by two boys.

"Hey babe"said one with brown hair he had a British accent.

"Hey you are cute"one said with a British accent he was so funny."My name is Louis" the boy said.

" My name is Liam" the boy with brown hair said.

"My name is Tari"I said

Louis's P.O.V

I was getting ready to ask Tari out but the bell ringed. Tari rushed out of the classroom. She was so cute and pretty. She said that she doesn't think she is pretty. Well I got to get the the concert before the boys kill me.

Tari's P.O.V

After class I was going home. So that I can go to that One Direction concert. I went to my room and took a shower. When I got out I put on a dress and put on heels. I got in my car and thought someone was watching me so I turned around. But no one was there. I went to my friends house to go pick her up.

15 minutes later

I was knocking on the door to my friend house named Mya. I knocked on her door. Her mom opened it.

"Hi Mrs. Brown"I said.

"Hi honey"she said. Mya came downstairs. She was wearing a black dress and black heels.

"Da*n Mya, Zayn is going to love you" I said.

"Thanks girl"she said.

"Let's go"I said.

30 minutes later

There was a whole lot of girls they were screaming and yelling. I saw Harry, Niall, Zayn, Louis, and Liam. I had to make sure that Niall or Harry did not see me. But that didn't work. Harry smirked at me. "Sh*t" I whispered. Then he went to a security guard and started talking to him.

Harry's P.O.V

I saw Tari trying to make sure the boys and I didn't see her. Niall looked at her and smirked too. I was still talking to the security guard I told the security guard that those two girl need to come backstage before they leave. Harry smiled at himself. Then the concert started we were singing rock me. Tari was jumping up and down with her tasty friend.

15 minutes later

Still Harry's P.O.V

The concert was over and I saw the security guard go to Tari and her tasty looking good friend.

"Hello girls One Direction wants you backstage now" he said.

"Cool"Mya said.

"Ok thanks"I said. We walked to One Direction dressing room. We knock on the door. No one was there. We walked in. Then the lights turned off and the door closed behind Mya and I.

Sorry this chapter is so long:(

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