First Comes Friends Then Comes Love - Chapter One

Start from the beginning

I was out with Damien of course at our favorite hang out, the Meat Market when I saw him. He was wearing a pair of back hip-hugging leather pants and a fishnet purple shirt. With shit-kickers on for shoes. But what drew me to him was his eyes. They were a deep shade of brown almost black.

I pointed him out to Damien to see if he knew him and of course Damien shook his head no. Which told me he was new and it made me want to know more about him so I left Damien's side and had to find out if that man was taken.

As I walked over to the man that had caught my eye, I was opening and closing my fists. I wasn't usually the type of man to open and loud and be part of the crowd. I was more the hang by the wall and watch people be themselves. This time though something inside me felt different, that maybe he was different.

"Hi, my name is Lucas," I said a little shyly

I held out my hand once I reached him hoping against hope that I would get to feel his hand even if he decided to walk away. Just by looking at him I never had felt this way before. It was a new feeling for me.

"Hi, Lucas I'm Sky."

And I was lost from that moment on. We left shortly after that and went to his place since he lived closer. When we got there he led me into his bedroom and that's when I saw mirror, it went from floor to ceiling. I saw us together and wondered why he was so hot for me. I was six foot two. With short brown hair and hazel green eyes that became a blue-green when I came.

I was wearing a blue t-shirt with black jeans and my work boots from a couple of years ago when I was working construction. I had on my glasses so in a way I was looking kind of dorky from my position. I was ripped since I went to the gym almost every other day to make sure I was in shape since I was going to be turning thirty one later that year. I knew I wasn't old but looking at Sky and seeing how young he looked made me feel my age.

Once I got overlooking at us in the mirror he cast me a sly look and said.

"Are you just gonna stare at us all night or you gonna fuck me."

I could feel my dick growing hard at just the thought of it. I asked him if he was a bottom or a top. Hoping he was both since as much as I like to fuck everyone once in a while I liked the feeling of a good hard dick in my ass as well.

He wasn't a top and said he didn't like it but I could live without it if it meant I got to keep him. I reached down to gently caress Sky's face as I bent down to softly at first kiss his delectable pretty mouth. As I brushed my lips against his I could feel Sky's cock growing hard against mine.

Sky grabbed me and turned our kiss into something much harder, more demanding. We stood there just kissing one another and for how long I never knew, just kissing as if it was going to be our last.

Soon we were both groaning as our bodies were rocking together as we were kissing. Sky broke first and softly but firmly pushed me on the bed. As I watched Sky get naked for the first time and I saw how big his cock was I could feel my ass cheeks clench in anticipation. Unfortunately for me, I would never get to know what it felt like but I didn't care at that point.

Once Sky was naked he slowly walked towards me and got on his knees. I could feel the heat radiating off of us and one he got closer I could smell the musk and something sweet that I couldn't name. When he reached for my belt I shivered knowing what was coming and couldn't wait. When he undid my pants and pulled out my cock I felt what seemed like a hundred different sensations at once.

He wrapped his hand around the base of my cock and just looked at it for what seemed to me for hours instead of probably seconds. I could feel my dick getting harder by the minute, my balls growing heavy heavier than they were.

He leaned in and took a deep breath full of my scent which I was later told I smelled like a forest after it rained. But back to what I was saying.

He leaned in and swiped the flat of his tong over the moist tip of my circumcised dick and it nearly had me coming to feel his tong over it. He ran his tong up and down my cock almost making me beg just to have him suck on it already. And when he put his whole mouth over my cock I nearly swooned. I ran my hand threw his hair urging him to continue.

When I could barely hold on any longer I pulled out of his mouth and told him to flip over.

"Where is your lube and do you have a condom?" I asked him because I hadn't planned on having sex that night.

He turned around with a huge smile and told me what I needed was in his top drawer. I grabbed the lube and the condom and chucked off my clothes. I went back to his body and realized that for that night his body was all mine.

If I knew then what I knew now I would have left, but I didn't. I leaned down smelling his heady musk that made me want to cum just from smelling him. I licked his balls one by one until they were coated from my saliva. Once I was satisfied that his balls know who they belonged to I did the same to his gorgeous cock. I had not seen one this beautiful in a long time and I wanted to explore it in detail. I sucked on it long and hard from slow to fast and in the end I even took him all way in from tip to damn near his balls.

"I'm coming!" was all I heard before I felt his cock shudder once and then explode in my mouth.

He tasted kind of salty and sweet all at the same time. I swallowed it all till I knew it was all gone. Once I knew he was spent from that I moved even lower. I put my hands on his ass and felt him shiver. I should have asked him why he shivered. But in my defense, I thought he was getting excited.

I leaned my head in as I pulled his ass cheeks apart and saw my bounty. His puckered hole was a sight to behold. I flicked my tong over it just to get a response. He whimpered and it felt wonderful to know I could bring him such pleasure. As I started to eat his ass hole up I could feel his dick getting hard once again.

By the time I started fucking his ass hole with my tong he was begging me to fuck him.

"God just fuck me already. Stop teasing." He begged me

I reached over and grabbed the condom and took it out and rolled it over my dick. I grabbed the lube and lubed up my fingers and slowly stuck my index finger in his hole. I wanted to fuck him but no way was I gonna hurt him.

"God your so tight," I told him.

"I know but hurry please."

Was all I got from him. Other than him moaning of course. By the time I could get my one finger moving in and out of him freely I added another one and repeated the process until I was able to fuck him with three of my fingers. Maybe if I had paid more attention to him I would have seen but my mind was on vacation and my cock was leading that night.

"Ok baby you ready for my cock," I asked because I wasn't gonna go until he gave me the ok even if I was dying.

As I was holding my breath he screamed for me to fuck him. I grabbed my dick and slowly pushed its head into his ass. Afraid to hurt him I was going slowly since I knew my dick was huge. I got it about halfway when he said enough and to start moving. He told me he couldn't take it all so I did what he told me to do.

Within a few strokes, I knew I was doomed. I had waited so long that I knew I wouldn't last. As I was trying not to embarrass myself in front of my new lover he was moaning and mumbling. To this day I wish I had paid more attention. I hadn't and you can't change the past, no matter how much you wish you could.

By the time I came, he was hard again so I sucked him off since he likes it. After that, we never spent any time apart unless we had to work.


It wasn't until Christmas three years later that I would realize how big of an idiot I truly was. That the reality I was living in with the one I thought I loved was truly a fantasy world. It was that night I learned how one person can truly hate another as much as Sky hated me.

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