My Life -_-

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So far, I have not figured out my life but I have plans.  I've been bullied alot through out my life.  I have a best friend. But lately we have been drifting apart because she will sit by my bullied and be friends with my bully.  I've been sitting with some more of my good friends at a different table. I've felt a lot better at this table btw I sit with Alex/ aplays. Go check out her Watt Pad stories (shes really good). My bully has called me names like stupid, ugly, fat, and more. It makes me really upset but I just keep it to my self. -_-

Anyway...I've been trying to find a main person on Watt Pad to kinda be my companion, or good friend.  It needs to be someone..



A lot like me (weird)

Loves the Pals/ Inquisitor master

A good friend

and most of all...


Well...that's all for now...


btw: Please give me some ideas for who I'm men't to be. Welp bye yall!

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